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Everything posted by Nienna

  1. Ugh... I donno. I went last night and had a good time.... Feeling kinda crapy today though. I might just spend a quiet evening in... There's still a chance though. I'd hate to waste a weekend night.
  2. I've found someone who pretty much has everything I'm looking for.... I wonder if I have what he's looking for??? Hmmmmm....
  3. I might not be going now.. My car is poop... :(
  4. Not exactly an appropriate response in my opinion. If someone is going through something painful and has the courage to admit they are not exactly ok to people they percieve to be friends, seeking advice or just comfort, there is nothing wrong with it. Too many people just say ehhhh... do a shot. but what happens when you sober up?? Learn some tact. All I ask.
  5. No way.. tonight is a stay at home with the cats kinda night...
  6. I always miss you. You say hi while one of us is walking by and then my drunken mind figures it out, but then you've disappeared! Grab me next time!
  7. Don't feel too bad.. noone missed me either...
  8. The problem isn't a lack of sex. It's a lack of love and pure feelings. Sex is easy to get. Love isn't.
  9. feeling bummed, and petting my new kitty.
  10. I understand totally how you feel. I used to be alot more independant too, but lately all I want is affection, and to be loved and understood. It's funny how when it's all you want, it's what you can't find. Hang in there.
  11. I don't need super human powers... I'm just looking for someone who will treat me well and actually appreciate me.
  12. Someone who will let me in and let me care for them but who will also be supportive of me. Honesty, openness, intelligence, and quirkiness is important. Appearance is secondary, but I prefer tall, and I like longer hair. I'm single, semi looking, but cautious.
  13. no cash for gas.. but yeah.. I'd go too if I had a ride.
  14. I could plant them in my cleavage.. that's where everyone looks anyways.. ;P
  15. Sounds like my weekend.. heh.. except we had loads of alcohol too....
  16. YAY! I'm so happy for you that it went so well!
  17. Yup! I have a new corset so if nothing else, that will bring me out of hiding.
  18. Yeah.. none of the girls should vote for themselves... *L* Or the guys in the other thread for that matter...
  19. *Hugs* That sucks.. I'm sooo sorry... The problem with independant health insurance is they usually don't cover whatthey term "pre-existing conditions". You may be able to get Medicaid though. They turned me down because I didn't have any dependants though. It's worth a try. I wish I could give you better news, but I've researched the hell out of this myself... and have a HUGE amount of medical debt to prove it. Good luck. and if you hear anything, let me know!
  20. Ugh..I don't think City Club is a good idea for me tonight... But I'll see you guys on Saturday still..
  21. I have NOTHING todo.. I just may join you.. will be incognito.. frumpy clothes... not feeling well.. *L*
  22. I'm trying again to read The Gunslinger... I can't get into it.. but I own the whole series...
  23. I like Cherry Garcia too.. mmmmmmm. Now I need to go get some!
  24. Yes, yes it is.. that's why it's so effective. The cholesterol clogs up the holes in my heart...
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