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Everything posted by Nienna

  1. New corset and some panties... breaking it in.
  2. First the spanking.. and then THE OR.. (oh wait...) :devil
  3. You sound like me... I donno why I even respond to this thread anymore.. it should just be a given!
  4. I can't afford a room.. IM me later and we'll see about rides though.
  5. Depending on where you're coming from we could possibly pick you up Troy. If you find you need a ride, PM me... Someone from my household goes pretty much every week.
  6. It's looking like I'll be in attendance now. Big surprise... that.
  7. still at only an 80% chance at this point.. unless I venture out alone..
  8. Contemplating pretending that I will go to sleep.
  9. Indications point to 100% Friday and somewhat less chance of Saturday attendace now. :(
  10. wishing to god I didn't have to leave for work in 10 minutes.
  11. I'm supposed to be working.. that's what you do at work.
  12. Mine isn't really something I'm ready to share with anyone. Suffice to say I still wake up crying from dreaming about it sometimes though.
  13. It's been so long I honestly don't even remember..
  14. I have a TV. It's sole purpose is to run my PS2 so I can play video games. I don't even watch my Netflix on it because I prefer to watch those on my laptop so I can lay in bed. The only time I watch TV is if I'm staying with someone who is a "TV head" and they are "TVing out".
  15. Heh.. I was just thinking the same thing actually..
  16. Yes, Cith Club is the "Club We All Love To HATE" But you know, I love it... don't ask me why...
  17. That's not a bad idea. I would like to bounce things off others, especially here where more people would be unbiased. I have some serious health problems, but don't really want to ask for support openly because I don't want everyone to "know" what's wrong.
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