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Everything posted by Nienna

  1. (You know HW... that was done to me very recently... It crushed me really badly and I'm still messed up from it. Please don't ever do that again.... it's just evil) A: Utterly. I'm miserably single. I keep trying to date people who keep dissapointing me. I'm giving up. Q: Is it really just all about sex?
  2. A: This amazing roast duck in France... except they served it with these weird round tater tots type things... Q: Is there some product or brand you have absolutel loyalty to?
  3. A: Shoot the bastard! If you can see him... look he turned sideways and has disapeared! Q: the Chicken or the Egg?
  4. A: Absolutely.. Queen Elizabeth I. She was one hell of a woman. Q: What is your most embarassing cheesy dork pleasure?
  5. A: SOUP! (Not really... I love the cute mean little buggers) Q: What piece of visual/literary/musical/film art has most touched you?
  6. A: Absolutely not. Sometimes one needs to be a bitch/asshole to accomplish certain necessary goals. Q: What most recently happened that made you be a bitch/asshole?
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