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Everything posted by Nienna

  1. I love Detroit too. I used to drive around downtown alone in the middle of the night when I was sad. The buildings make good company and is is so terribly goth. I love the woods too though. One of my favorite things to do is go out and sit and knit all day. Very relaxing.
  2. For a friend, not me. Happily, I've managed to escape the conventions of marriage thus far. He needs a decent, cheap and available divorce attorney. The case is fairly simple, no children or mutual properties. The soon to be ex did some trashy things though so he can't just file himself. He'd like to file immediately. Any advice, referrals, or experiences are a help. I really want this person to be divorced... probably about as much as he does!
  3. LMAO That was quick! SOLD... errrr... shuffled off... to Marc!
  4. I have this tripod that went to an OLD video camera. The head is odd, but looks changable. The tripod itself gets over 6' tall, is very stable, and is high quality. I've seen ones online for around $300.00. I have no real use for it and am moving and trying to reduce. I've had no luck selling it because it is an older model of an available tripod, and the head is weird. If you want it, let me know. It'll be yours!
  5. Always. I sat on some panels last year but this year I have to day trip due to work. :(
  6. Oh man.. I would KILL for a place to have a garden... *sigh*
  7. I have an extra air mattress and would have an extra dome, but only if people are willing to help me erect my VERY heavy and pain in the ass canvas pavillion period tent. LOL It can happen if it needs to though.
  8. Yes. I would eat alot more veggies and fruit if it didn't cost a fortune. $7.00 for 2 lbs of organic strawberries??? WTF!!??
  9. I'm waiting. I'm still trying to plow through FFXII. I know... pathetic. I keep losing focus on it. I just can't justify buying a new game when still slogging through another in the same series. SOON though.. I'm so close! And VERY excited for this! I signed up for the Beta for FFXIV too.
  10. I read this elsewhere... and I kind of agree with it. I also kind of feel like it's yet another excuse for not taking appropriate care of one's body. I'm guilty myself of the eating / laziness cycle, and I still feel that way. Our country enables people to be fat. Good food (organic, natural, etc. ) costs so much more than processed fake food, that for alot of people, it's prohibitive. We're a poor, fat nation. There needs to be a food revolution that makes the more healthy products more available to the general public. It would be interesting to see if the obesity epidemic was helped then.
  11. There will be alot of us to protect you! I am super survive in the woods girl. You'll be fine.
  12. is wanting to hang out with you!

  13. I contact juggle. (Like The Goblin King in Labyrinth with the balls.) I'm just learning but it's awesome and I'm obsessed.
  14. Yeah, those dates work for me. Hopefully work won;t screw me over.
  15. I want to *actually* go this year! LOL I think the group lot is the best idea evar! We could set the tents up in a circle to kind of shield our rucus causing from the outside world. Like a personal tent bubble. SO... count me in! (Unless of course it runs over an event I already have planned. What are the dates?)
  16. I had a great night! I never do lists... But I really enjoyed talking with those of you I saw, as usual. I need to get out more!
  17. That was my story too. I actually went on OK Cupid and started going out with anyone who seemed even just nice. I met my current SO, who is NOT my type but who I ended up having alot in common with. It'll be a year in a week. LOL Maybe step outside your box? I still am struggling to truly let him in though. *sigh*
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