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Everything posted by Nienna

  1. I think my capacity to love is very great, and IF I can eventually trust a person, I give myself over to them entirely. It's a beautiful thing. The problem is, every time I have done that, I have gotten burned in one way or another. Now it takes a LONG time for me to allow that sort of intimacy, because it opens up the possibility of being crushed again. It's not fair to my current SO, or to anyone I may be with in the future, but there it is.
  2. I will most likely make a rare appearance. I miss you guys so come out!
  3. Oh man! I would KILL to go to this show... but I already got tickets for Blackthorn. Oh well. :(
  4. You guys missed out! Good fishes, beers, and conversations were had by all!
  5. Sorry, saw this after I posted first. This is the EXACT same thing my mother has / had. She just went back to work, and is fine. The meds they have out right now for this cancer are very good at passing the blood / brain barrier and are VERY good at what they do. He has a fighting chance. PLEASE don't give up hope yet. I know how horribly, horribly scary this is. You cannot give up hope that he'll do well. He just may be ok. I know i've said this before, but if you or he wants any information, resource, or just a sounding board, me, and my mother, are here for you guys.
  6. From what I learned with my mom, it almost always is cancerous. The chemo and radiation are usually really well tolerated, and in cases like your Dad and my mom, where they got the whole thing, it's just to prevent regrowth. Hopefully it'll go the same way for your dad as we have seen in our world. One run of each and no new regrowth. *hugs* Try to stay positive.
  7. +24,000 I am dating someone with children for the first time, and while I'm finding it has it's own rewards, it's also causing me alot of stress. I'm honestly not sure if the situation will work for me or not. Time will tell. I do have to admit though, before this I would have thought more than twice before getting involved with someone with children.
  8. I was looking for a party but no luck, so City it most likely is.. though someone suggested Necto to me. What is Necto even doing for NYE??
  9. Mayyybeeee..... X-Mas with the children that day but I'd be escaping to the club after their bedtimes anyway.
  10. I admire so many people for such minutia that it's hard to say that one person is hotter than any other. I've been going there so long now that I find those who look different than the crowd tend to strike me, but a beautiful set of eyes, a nicely turned waist curve, awesome makeup, creative hand made clothing... anything unusual. What I can't stand are those cookie cutter wannabes that look like they stepped off a website ad.
  11. This hits so close to home. I will send all my thoughts and energy your Dad's way. My mother's was in a similar location and she is 1 year out and well today. I'll be pulling for the same for your dad. Hang in there, and if you need anything, even to just vent about it, I understand way better than I would like to, and am here for you. *hugs*
  12. Beautiful! I'm so glad we sprung for the 3-D!
  13. I'll be host ready sometime in March / April. SO.... I'll just update on that then. LOL Will be in Ferndale / RO area.
  14. I love City Club... not sure why, but I do. That said I would love to have an option too.
  15. To answer Marc's original question... I LOVE to smoke. I revel in the action of it. I like how it tastes. I like having something to do with my hands.. I actually do, genuinely, enjoy it. I love smoking so much that I still do it, in spite of being asthmatic, and in spite of the fact that after a "whole pack night" at City, I'm wheezing for days. It's my choice. Now the government is making my choices for me. They chose for me to not smoke cloves anymore, and now it is chosen for me that I will no longer be smoking when I go out. Soon, they will choose that I cannot have coffee.. or booze.. or whatever. It's a slippery slope my friends, and we are starting to slide.
  16. I had them about a year ago. my gross neighbors upstairs had a raging infestation and they came down through the walls into my unit. The entire building was overrun in no time. These things are a NIGHTMARE. They can live up to 18 months without food. I still have scars from some of the bites. It took about 6 months and exhaustive effort to rid my life of them. I lost about half of my wardrobe and all of my furniture. I'm now 1 year bug free but I still am so paranoid about it that I check every hotel I stay in, just in case. They can hide anywhere BTW. My friend who was staying with me during this time found a dead one.. in her vitamins. That's right, it got into the bottle and died. Stay FAR FAR FAR away from anywhere that is currently infested. They can be gotten rid of, but it takes a professional, and it costs alot of money.
  17. In all honesty, I love the stompy stuff once I'm into it, but there was not nearly enough of the lyrical and more synth-pop stuff. Radio music especially is a bit of a turn off. City Club used to be known for playing eclectic and new music, and I just don't feel that the set from Saturday lived up to that.
  18. Slow night and COLD. The music BLEW. That said I saw a few of you and it was good to get out... and to dance the whole 4 songs I could stomach. Meh. LOL
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