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Everything posted by Nienna

  1. This is an awesome idea and one I would be thrilled about. It's been hard for me to get out on the weekends lately, and I miss everyone! I'm moving soon and will be able to host when I'm in a bigger place.
  2. I have a mega cold... but if I can recover by then...yes! If not, next week.
  3. I was engaged to a man who did this crap to me for 3 YEARS! I am still struggling with the nasty mental conditioning he put me through and it is negatively affecting my current relationship because I'm just not able to trust anymore. Don't let it happen to you. It sounds like he's playing games... and you're worth so much more than that. *hugs*
  4. I' m with everyone else, this guys is a total dog. It won't make you "slutty" per-se, but I personally think that you deserve better and should use your time and energy in meeting someone who isn't just being a player. I'd ditch this guy in a hurry.
  5. Ugh... need to bail. It's just too much money right now. Sorry guys, eat some for me!
  6. Haha.. yes, was me. I was dancing most of the night. I'd not been out in awhile and needed it.
  7. I have alot of friends who are in open or polyamorous relationships. It works as long as everyone is on the same page. Personally, I prefer a more "poly" approach to things, like what Rev was talking about. My BF and I are actually seeking a girlfriend ourselves right now. It's not an open relationship though, it's a desire to bring someone else in, in a monogamous way.
  8. Oh la la... epic night in all, though I almost stayed home due to feeling alittle blah. so glad I came out. I never do lists, but it was awesome to see so many people, and thank you, those of you who flailed around on the dance floor with me. It's always nice to have friends to make faces at.
  9. So what are the details with this? I don't really have the revinue to make up a ton of stuff, but I might be able to get a few things ready. I sew, so leather work, jewelery, knitting...
  10. hahahaha!!! I can picture Rev in the pretty princess pose with glitter raining from his Lister dread..... Come on Rev... you know you want to be a faerie!
  11. I seriously have had dreams about Stormknight's eating issues. It happened again at a wedding recently and I was amazed and horrified anew!
  12. Sometimes I wish I was single, does that count?
  13. Restless.... itchy.. bored. Disconnected... lonely... missing a ton of people. Frustrated, crowded, apprehensive.... AND... I think I'm coming down with something.
  14. I'm not alone for the holiday, but I have a feeling that I'll want people who aren't my family after the "Fam Experience". Will make it if I can!
  15. Oh this sucks! I only went out a couple of time, but I had an awesome time there!
  16. While I am still haunted by flashbacks of the "Stormknight Sushi Devastation". I think I can manage another go. LOL Free most weekdays after 6:30 or so. Weekends are harder these days but I can make it work.
  17. My eyes are rad. I'm game! That and I miss you!
  18. I want them, but I understand if you can't wait for my paycheck.
  19. Are these still available? I'll take either of them, prefer #1. But I won't have $$ until NEXT friday.
  20. It was an awesome day for a couple of awesome people to have an awesome wedding. Congrats to you both!
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