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Everything posted by EatAjaxAndDie

  1. I will train monkeys to make coffee, and then sell said coffee at exorbitant prices. People will buy the coffee like it is going out of style.
  2. Will run into the mystic night with her, but split off if Lo Pan starts shooting those blue beams of light out of his eyes.
  3. Well, silly things happen and I wasn't around for a while.

  4. Thank you...I've used this screen name for many years on many different platforms.

  5. I don't believe I have ever met your acquaintance...I may be wrong however...it has after all, been a long time since I was last on here.

  6. I have a feeling that may not taste all that great. I think you would have to make sure that everyone was made into a fine grind for the coffee; otherwise it would be terrible. "Remember: It's all in the grind!" If you recognize that quote, you win a cookie.
  7. I seem to be thinking that none of you have experienced the many wonderful uses of Torgo's Executive Powder.
  8. Take a piss and smoke a cigarette...not a the same time..that would probably go horribly wrong.
  9. make sure she gets a lesson in music culture from the guys who made the title track for the movie Big Trouble In Little China. (BTW, here is a link to the video...it is beyond hilarious: )
  10. "When goths fall in love planets align and ringwraiths murmur in forbidden whispers." Thank you somethingawful.com....thank you.
  11. Van Morrison - Wild Nights ooo ungoth..how scary. Too bad the man was a genius..albiet a bit boring when it came to composition.
  12. I think people may have gotten stupider overnight.
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