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Everything posted by Draco1958

  1. Going to make sure camera battery is charged so I can go to the park tomorrow and take some fall photos. Now to find a victim...err....subject to take photos of.
  2. Wondering if my life is so boring my only excitement is being able to have random chats on here. I need more.
  3. Trying to find something to do. Scrolling thru websites trying to find something interesting.
  4. You are right. The bros before hoes is very juvenile. I have nothing against someone enjoying weed. But when it becomes their sole purpose, it seems to me they are lost or just don't care. Sounds like he just wants to escape responsibility. I understand there will be days you just want to say screw it. However one also knows that while you may want to slack off today, you have to go right back to real life and responsibility the next day.
  5. Depending on roommates work schedules, I am hoping to be at Heritage Park in Taylor to shoot the rising moon. If I could find a free spot near Lake Erie, I'd love to get it rising out of the lake. Would be a nice effect.
  6. No, more like you lease a car, if all goes well, you buy it at the end of the lease but unlike a car, the time limit on the lease is based on both parties being happy with how things go. Mutual happiness is the key.
  7. Now now now, don't say that. Just not sure about getting remarried. Was thinking maybe a lease?
  8. Can we skip the wedding shop and go right to the honeymoan?
  9. You've been stressing out a bit lately so it could be to let you know you are not alone. That things are going to work out.
  10. Could be a ghost cat. Sometimes that means there is a message for you. Someone who has passed is looking out for you. It's their way to let you know without making it too spooky. I get into the paranormal stuff.
  11. Have you considered trying to find a job where you work at home and use your computer to log onto the company site and do the work that way. A friend was dating a lady who did transcription for a doctor. Ha would record it on his computer. She would log on and type what he recorded onto files and that way the doctor had his recorded notes types out and she did it from home. Might be worth considering since she did it at night and made decent money.
  12. I should be there so yes I would like a card please.
  13. Bet you're feeling happy and relaxed. HAHAHA *ducks*
  14. I'm so gonna be in trouble for this but batteries cost money also.
  15. I went thru this 10 years ago. I totally know how you feel. If you need to talk, let me know. I'm there for you bro.
  16. You are very much welcome but I do believe that. My ex was 5'2" and 165 lbs. Mostly top and bottom. We had a joke, my belly and her tits fit like puzzle pieces. HAHAHA
  17. I think it is more like guys in general are not comfortable admitting to having a special dream of finding someone where as women are more willing to say it. We guys are supposed to be the tough guy, if we find someone fine if not oh well seems to be the thought. I don't broadcast it but I am willing to admit it. I am not going to let my past marriage problems reflect on someone I may meet and have a connection with. I'm not speaking for all guys but I do believe there are some who believe what I do.
  18. Just means cuddles are like hugs all over in a good way. And a little more to explore. Oh oh, evil naughty thoughts.
  19. So can a guy. Or would that be fantasize?
  20. I was able to buy an off lease computer from a small computer shop I trust. Intel I-5 3.1ghz quad core processor 8 gigs memory 500 gig HD Radeon 6350 video card with 512 megs memory DVD burner It came with 4 gigs memory but upped it to 8 gigs I paid $319, was $279 with 4 gigs memory. They have been around for a long time and I have bought stuff from them over the years. Other than a name change, it's the same people. The name is The Computer Company in Southgate.
  21. I do have a leash and a couple a pairs of handcuffs if needed. *wink* *wink*
  22. Why? Depending on the size and shape, could be a good Halloween display.
  23. Have to say this because I am a perverted smartass. You have my number right?? HAHAHAHA don't hit me *ducks*
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