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Everything posted by Draco1958

  1. Thinking of just giving up. Every time we fix one problem with the car, another one pops up. We finally get the parts to replace the power steering pump and no the car is overheating. Can't afford to buy another car and get rid of this one, can't keep putting money into the car if it is going to turn into a money pit. Not sure I will make it to the gathering Thursday because I don't know how bad the car is overheating. I finally start getting out of the house and everything seems to be trying to keep me stuck at home. Just so tired of getting shit on.
  2. I also am requesting a card if I can make it. Seems car has developed a new problem and we need to figure out if it's fixable cheaply.
  3. I punched myself once but it wasn't in the eye. My ex laughed so hard she rolled out of bed.
  4. Awww and I missed seeing you. Hopefully next time you are able to make it.
  5. I haven't been getting any notifications either.
  6. Me too. They try to scare you into calling them.
  7. I've gotten that message a few times. I usually just bring up task manager and end task on it. It will close the browser. I then will run Malwarebytes Antimalware(free edition) but it doesn't find anything. It's generally a scam to get you to buy their product.
  8. At first glance, we thought smoke from a cigarette but I wasn't smoking when I took the pic to avoid this from happening. So just have to guess.
  9. I know it's too early to think of s*&$ but I love this pic.
  10. Took this pic 3 years ago. Love the effect of the setting sun on the clouds. Look carefully and you'll see the sun behind the trees in the lower right corner.
  11. I should be there so I am requesting a card. And if there is a tie between me and any of the ladies at the Red Apple asking for a card, gentleman code says the lady wins.
  12. I can identify some with this. Before my divorce, everything seemed fine. At times, I was the life of the party being a smartass, getting people to laugh. Afterwards, I totally changed. Some days I don't even want to get out of bed because I feel safe under the covers. Some days I hate going to the grocery store because I will suddenly get a panic attack, feel like everything in closing in on me. I have more than once had to leave my roommate standing in line while I booked for the door to get outside to calm down. Holiday shopping at times drives me crazy because of the crowds. Even though I like going to the clubs, a few times I had to leave early because of that. I feel safe staying in my basement room, avoiding even my roommates and they understand and don't crowd me. It sucks because I also like going out whether to the Red Apple to hang out with people from here or the park just to shoot some pics.
  13. Relaxing watching Enterprise after helping roommate fix fuel leak. Turned out it wasn't a leaking line, it was the fuel pump. Being an 83, at least the fuel pump is on the side of the engine. But had to remove alternator to get to it.
  14. About to go try to track down a leak in the car's fuel line and hopefully be able to repair it quickly and cheaply. Must remember, NO SMOKING while doing this.
  15. Great conversation in the parking lot. Stargate, Star Trek, Anime and Dr Who were the most discussed topics.
  16. Not sure what flew into the picture but no one saw anything until we reviewed the photo. I know we lived near an area with active fairies.
  17. Watching Svengoolie who is airing the original pilot for Star Trek. Drinking Coca Cola and smoking a cig. Ahh such a fascinating life I lead.
  18. I also roll my own. My roommate bought me an electric injector which makes it a lot easier to do. I like Maverick Menthol 100's
  19. I'm sitting here watching the Star Trek marathon on BBC America, playing on the computer, drinking some pop and having a smoke. Smokers unite...LOL
  20. You and Kat talking about teeth. I have the same issue. Genetically bad teeth plus a high acid content in my saliva. Most of my family had dentures by their 40's. I need dentures. But scared because of how my uncle would tease me by sliding his upper plate out then back in when I was a kid. I had surgery for a herniated umbilical and woke up twice during the surgery. So that adds another fear of getting dental surgery to remove the broken teeth. I can sympathize some with the two of you.
  21. Yeah, saw your other post and that song is now running thru my head.
  22. Happy happy Halloween, Halloween, Halloween, Happy happy Halloween, Silver Shamrock................ 52 days till Halloween
  23. My brain is always on the fritz. Now the song "Puttin on the Ritz" is in my head.
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