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Everything posted by Draco1958

  1. I am interested. Being unemployed allows me lots of freetime at the moment but I have no transportation and both my digital cameras were stolen a couple weeks ago when someone broke into the house.
  2. I finally am getting around to post pics of the goggles. These are leather wrapped. They are $30. Will post pics of the non-wrapped soon. They are $15. The casting material polishes up nicely so they are shiny black. We are working on using vinyl as a wrap to get different colors. We are also working on casting them in different colors. Today my friend brought over new lenses for them. They are a bronze tint mirror lens. Cutom jobs will cost more. One that is being done for Raven will run about $50. Front view Side view Raven_Black wearing a pair
  3. We can still put you in a cage if you want.
  4. Would love to go but alas, not sure I'll have a running car by then. And having to depend on a ride means no advance tickets for me.
  5. Welcome. Whips are on the left, chains on the right. The rack is down the hall, be prepared, we don't always go easy on the new people.
  6. I just hate it. Especially when you find someone you want to be with and can't Have no clue about this.
  7. My friend making the goggles was hoping to have a table there but at $300 a table so he's not sure. Should have pics available soon of the goggles he is making to sell.
  8. I'll check the garage, We have or had a large rabbit cage. If it's still there, we might be able to work something out. Won't know for sure till tomorrow when I can get into the garage.
  9. Oh geez, I'm gonna die. A 4 1/2 year dryspell really sucks.
  10. That would be great. I am near Fort and Goddard. Will send you a pm with my cell number. Text me, I'm on a pay as you go phone, low time. And if you are able, we can set up a meet point easy to find.
  11. Still looking for a ride and have gas money. Hoping to celebrate my B-Day which is the 12th.
  12. Still looking for a ride and have gas money.
  13. I hope I can get a ride. I want to precelebrate my B-Day that night. SOrry to see you won't make it Rev, was hoping you could.
  14. I'm still interested in being there and at CC that night for my B-Day. I could use a night out and some fun.
  15. I'm still looking for a ride to CC for a B-Day celebration. Wouldn't mind being at the photoshoot. Can even bring an extra camera.
  16. Welcome. Whips are to the left, chains are too the right and there's a line for spanking. Talk to me nice and I'll move yoyu up the line anytime.
  17. Will I ever get the lady I love and save her from all the drama?
  18. To become an A**hole since it seems that may be the only way to ghet a lady in my life. Being a nice guy hasn't worked.
  19. Can't say one of them but the other is to prove to someone I am serious about how I feel about tham.
  20. Still hoping for a ride on the 9th. If anyone can help it would be appreciated.
  21. I use Roxio Easy Media Creator 7 right now but I only burn data DVDs. My roommate burns DVDs with it but you may need a program like DVD shrink to get a movie you download to fit on the DVD.
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