I am interested. Being unemployed allows me lots of freetime at the moment but I have no transportation and both my digital cameras were stolen a couple weeks ago when someone broke into the house.
I finally am getting around to post pics of the goggles. These are leather wrapped. They are $30. Will post pics of the non-wrapped soon. They are $15. The casting material polishes up nicely so they are shiny black. We are working on using vinyl as a wrap to get different colors. We are also working on casting them in different colors. Today my friend brought over new lenses for them. They are a bronze tint mirror lens. Cutom jobs will cost more. One that is being done for Raven will run about $50.
Front view
Side view
Raven_Black wearing a pair
My friend making the goggles was hoping to have a table there but at $300 a table so he's not sure. Should have pics available soon of the goggles he is making to sell.
I'll check the garage, We have or had a large rabbit cage. If it's still there, we might be able to work something out. Won't know for sure till tomorrow when I can get into the garage.
That would be great. I am near Fort and Goddard. Will send you a pm with my cell number. Text me, I'm on a pay as you go phone, low time. And if you are able, we can set up a meet point easy to find.
I use Roxio Easy Media Creator 7 right now but I only burn data DVDs. My roommate burns DVDs with it but you may need a program like DVD shrink to get a movie you download to fit on the DVD.