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Everything posted by Draco1958

  1. Wish someone gave me a reason to have some thinking to do.
  2. Bored, tired and some other feelings. Spent part of the night in ER with my roommates mom. She's home and ok but it was scary for a little while.
  3. Ohh I'll touch it and touch it and touch it and.................. Time to behave.
  4. I know of a way to make an adjustment on the tape so only an edge of tape touches skin without a dangerous tape incident.
  5. Had to get dressed. Now wearing black hoodie, black shirt, black pants and black slippers. I think a pattern is emerging.
  6. I hate dry spells. Although after 4 1/2 years, you get used to it.
  7. Wish I had advice for this. I need to move on but can't. My heart won't let me. Good luck to the person needing help.
  8. Alcohol has been my choice lately. And lots of crying. I know one thing that could change that but it will never happen. Starting to think heavy drugs.
  9. Try this. I worked for an airport shuttle. In 8 years I can't count the number of times I had an asthma attack because someone wore too much perfume. And I had NO choice. ANd yes, it may not cause cancer but your lungs shutting down can kill you, especially when it happens on the freeway at 70mph. I agree there should be smoking/non-smoking areas. With a good filtration system, most of the smoke goes away. A place near me did that and it cut about 70% of the smoke out. There are good compromises(can never spell this word) available but no one wants them. It's just no smoking period. And yes soon you won't be able to smoke in your own car if a child is present. It is being discussed. I feel no smoking in places should be an option, not mandatory. Non-smokers say they have no choice but for the most part you do, it's called don't go there. And please I don't want to hear, but that's not fair because I like that place. Try being a smoker and go without a cig for several hours. It's not fun either. Or not go to your favorite place because it's too cold or stormy to go outside to smoke. Businesses in Ohio were hurt, some still are down in business because of the ban. All I am trying to say is everyone has a choice, to smoke, not smoke avoid plaves that are either way. I started smoking due to stress. It's what keeps me calm right now. I go too long without and I get bitchy. Instead of a ban, why not offer businesses incentives to go non-smoking and help businesses that want to keep it, upgrade their air systems to help eliminate most of the smoke. They keep raising the taxes on cigs so why not put that money to good use.
  10. If I can get a ride from someone near Lincoln Park who has room, I will be there.
  11. Black Hoodie, black T-Shirt, black jeans, black socks, black shoes and dark red boxers.
  12. Don't care who sings it for me. Just wish she knew and understood.
  13. I'd love to go. Can scrape up enough cash to go but no ride and no cash to help with gas. That sucks. I live in Lincoln Park. I may not be near the computer so if you can help, please text me at 1-313-585-1309. Have limited time on my phone.
  14. a special lady under the tree who wants me to unwrap her.
  15. After last nights drama, I need a few cyanide pills. That would make me feel better.
  16. Glad I'm letting my hair grow out some. It may be baby fine and a little thin but I like it. Now to find a lady who wants to play with it.
  17. Thanks to depression, a overnight hospital stay and lack of an appetite, I have lost a little over 40lbs. Now to start to tighten up the loose flab.
  18. I wrote this because I have a hard time expressing my feelings in person. I am hoping a special someone reads it and can see how truthful I am being. I want her in my life but more than just as a friend. I just hope she can see that. trust me babe, my promise on my mother's ashes to never mess you over is very true. Means the same as if you made that promise on a certain someone's grave. Please believe me, I want to be that special someone you believe you need right now.
  19. I won't say who but there is 1 lady I would do anything for. I'd marry her in a heartbeat.
  20. Wishing a friend could get me something I was hoping she could get ahold of. Not looking forward to the holidays nor my birthday. Tired of a broken heart, being the nice guy and doing everything nice for people while others get the girl. Not sure I want to be around.
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