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Everything posted by Draco1958

  1. Taking a shower. Nothing else to do.
  2. Bored in Canton. Need some excitement, something to do.
  3. Gigan, Anguiras and Gamera.
  4. Wishing I had had someone to snuggle with during the storm.
  5. A friend of mine does some sewing but lately his time has been limited. He sews his and my renaissance shirts and has made other outfits for his wife. I can do basic sewing but never tried a pattern. I use a sewing machine that is close to as old as I am. My friend has a serger.
  6. What kind of bands are you looking for?
  7. Hmmm a crush on a cherry. I could do that.
  8. Douse her with the whipped cream....everywhere I can get the nozzle to go.....MUAHAHAHAhahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Are we talking about orange crush or grape crush???
  10. We would be a grape legion of darkness. Purple rain anyone??
  11. I'm always available for cuddling and hugs.
  12. I had some once. But no one has one for poor old me.... I think it's cuz I'm scary.
  13. Wishing I had something fun to do or someone to spend some cuddle time with instead of sitting here bored to tears.
  14. Sitting in Canton BORED wishing I had someone...errrr......something to do. Free time, have my camera and it was hazy all day. yesterday if I could have grabbed my camera, would have had some great shots of 2 hawks buzzing my work.
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