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Everything posted by detroitrequiem

  1. also, here is our myspace link if anyone wants to add on to it: www.myspace.com/dkonstruct2009 we've got a few bands now that are setting up shows for the summer. I think it would be great of more people got involved in helping support the local acts, dj's, events, etc.
  2. I'll try to search it out when Im up there putting out fliers for our show. thanks
  3. We're covering a few tunes. We are planning on first doing Gary Numen's Cars and Master and Servant DM. We will also be doing Push by The Cure, maybe a Killers tune, and something from Siouxsie and Alien Sex Fiend. We'll probably just play 1-2 per show. If you have suggestions, let me know:)
  4. I dont see why we couldnt have other genres... I just think it would be great if local musicians and friends supported one another. People can always email me at dkonstruct@yahoo.com
  5. Anyone know a good place to have band's T shirts made at a reasonable price yet also does a nice job. I need to start making T-shirts, hoodie, etc for D:konstruct. Any help is greatly appreciated!
  6. I agree, my wife and I saw it the other night and we loved it
  7. hello (echo...) are there any other local bands out there? lets put something together
  8. DEC did a lot of good things a few years back to promote the local electronic/industrial scene. A few of us got together and thought about bringing the local acts together for shows, events, parties, etc. If you are a band who is interested in forming a new coalition of sorts, email me before next Friday.
  9. We will need someone to shoot a music video soon and also live footage. Shoot me a priavte email with your rates and we can talk more
  10. If anyone has any questions about Chen Tai Chi or Ninjutsu, please feel free to email me.
  11. Great idea, if you ever need a band to play for something like this, we would love to help out
  12. yes a bit. Push hands can be pretty tricky. Internal power is the key. My teacher Sifu Cao isn't physically very big but has an almost supernatural quality about him with internal strength. When we do push hands, it's like trying to move a car off balance at times. He's pretty cool, used to be a stunt man for Jet Li in Once Upon a Time in China. He's one of Ma Hong's inner door students.
  13. nice shop! I will be ordering something soon!
  14. Hello to all, we have a new web site up that still needs lots of work. On the site, I listed samples from the Evolution album that was supposed to have been releaed in 2006 but we had disbanded then. Since then, Mike from Pulse State and Jon from Oppfor and myself have been practicing the D:konstruct stuff. We also have a few new tunes which we hope to release by the end of the summer. We are also doing a few covers for our live set. If there's a cover you'd like to hear, let us know. At this point, we're covering Cars by Gary Numan and Master and Servant DM. I would also like to organize a group of local musicians, dj's, etc to put on a little summer party were we could play and give away a few CD's to the Detroit crowd. Check out the link and give me some feedback about the music if possible. I'm always writing material with the Detroit crowd in mind. Also, if you would like to help D:konstruct with promotions, shows, image, merchandise, photography, lights, videos, etc, please let us know asap. It's a lot of work for a couple of musicians! thanks again for your support robert D:konstruct here's the link: http://www.rockbandsites.com/dkonstruct/Custom/Default.aspx
  15. Because we lack patience in a fast paced age of too much information and technology Q: What is the most painful way to die?
  16. My Tai Chi teacher wants me to go over to China and compete in push hands. He says because of my size and internal power that I could do well. Some o the guys that o push hands are incredible. My wife wants to go back in a few years and train on Wudang mountain with some of the Tai Chi masters there. If anyone wants to do Chen style or learn a little ninjutsu, hit me up this summer.
  17. My Tai Chi teacher wants me to go over to China and compete in push hands. He says because of my size and internal power that I could do well. Some o the guys that o push hands are incredible. My wife wants to go back in a few years and train on Wudang mountain with some of the Tai Chi masters there. If anyone wants to do Chen style or learn a little ninjutsu, hit me up this summer.
  18. Nice job Aaron! Norm and I had a lot of fun. Funker Vogt sounded great. Keep up the good work!
  19. I would have to agree with Evil Fish. Absynth is the cleanest, highest quality soft synth. You can go to KVR VST web site also and download a lot of free VST sound preset banks as well. My next choice would be Z3ta because of the various crunchy presets and fun leads. I also use Korg Legacy but it can be very CPU heavy. If anyone uses FLStudio, I would recommend the FLStudio bible. It helps with the learning curve of the program and is a fun read. I might be out at CC his Friday so if you have any more questions just ask.
  20. i started off with a K2vk initially. We also used a Korg ms2000 and Novation synth. These days, d:konstruct uses all soft synths with midi controller for live shows. As far as favorites soft synths, here are my current favorites: Absynth Sytrus Morphine Toxic Saw Pro 53 Microtonic Z3ta Superwave etc. I'm getting away from using regular samples in the music and moving in the direction of using only soft synths. I find the sound quality is better and everything is done at the highest sampling/bit rate. aklso, a good sound card and AD converters help:) I still use FLstudio as a scratch sequencer to get fast results and then throw everything into Cubase, master it, and ship it off to my producer. I'm buying a Roland 2480 very sson to use for our online machine for our upcoming summer shows. It's gonna be sweet. If anyone's interested in playing a show with us let me know.
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