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  1. i'm sad because my post about magic tricks and disappearing disappeared or maybe a mod deleted it i don't get these dang rules when is troy going to start running his own board again?
  2. i ain't picky when it comes to food i like cheesy cakes and snacky puffs too you like chitlins and twinkies?
  3. i got stood up by paper hearts but, i think eric cartman has an eye out for me now
  4. leftover pizza with gravy, bbq pig knuckles, chocolate ice cream (fuck that vanilla shit), fried cheese curds, donuts, bbq chips, and a 40 of King Cobra
  5. i be chillin at this ho's computer i be at my sista's crib
  6. i be eatin some micky d's right now i likes me them big macs with x-tra cheese that phat clown makes me happy
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