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Brenda Starrr

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Everything posted by Brenda Starrr

  1. Grumbling about the fact that I'm out of feminine protection, and I NEED it.
  2. Like I'm cooking a turkey meatloaf and brown rice. No one but Jeff and I will touch the loaf, but I bet those kids will want the rice. Also, like something new might be coming up on the horizon for me. Something that will allow me to go jeans shopping, because I'd be allowed to wear them to work. I sure do hope that I'm right, because I know that I'd be happier.
  3. Having a coffee, petting my black cat, and debating on doing more laundry.
  4. For every 20lbs you lose, you're SUPPOSED to gain a 1/2 to 1 inch of dick.
  5. Well, isn't THAT fucking awesome. You and Sierra piss ME the fuck off this morning, and you feel good?? That's just SWELL.
  6. Frustrated. My daughter is in a shitty mood because she walked to school today, and then realized that she hada late start. So, she's shitty right now. And Jeff went out to the car to get something, and discovered that Jessie ate the sandwich that he had made for today's lunch. He yelled a lot. I'm tired of the yelling and it upsets me and I want it all to stop. I want it to stop now. i DON'T NEED THIS.
  7. I got mildly bloated, but it was no big deal. It's coming, though.
  8. Right now, it's just fuzzy, like someone attacked it with Velcro.
  9. Reminding Ian that he has a couple of hours with The Rev tonight.
  10. Like I feel some shit stirring. I mean it.
  11. Italian is pretty sexy, too. But I love listening to German. I don't understand it at all. But I think it's sexy. I hope you two aren't talking shit. Then, I'll be mad and call you a cunt cake in Italian.
  12. I'm tired, and after taking the Vicoprofen, I feel better.
  13. Letting Fluffy run around on our bed and stroking his chin. He has a cyst on his chin, and he LOVES having it rubbed!
  14. You don't suck, Troy. Don't listen to that shit. If people can't give constructive criticism, then let it go. It's no fun being pelted by endless bullshit. As for me...I feel full of Colon Blow.
  15. NOT rubbing it in. I was just staying ON topic so the mods don't beat me.
  16. LOL@easy... There was nothing easy about that! STILL not single!
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