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Brenda Starrr

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Everything posted by Brenda Starrr

  1. *claps* I find that I will catch things that need fixing IMMEDIATELY, but there's no one here to tell. And there are a few that hardly get on at all. You need more mods here, guys. GOOD mods. That IS a fact. I hope that you find them, and soon. I'd hate to see this place diminish in number because of this issue. *hugs* Keep us posted... MY good friend, Candy Quackenbush (Jessica), and her man, Odims Sphere (Donnie) have to go to Afghanistan for an entire year now. I worry constantly about them. Jessi knows how to handle herself, though. I hope that she's right... As for me...tired, crampy, and like I'm ready to Blow.
  2. Iwish I could. I have to go in for a client in the afternoon.

  3. How do you think that my angry uterus ended up here?
  4. Oh. I left for 5 minutes and missed out. Dammit.
  5. LMAO...nope. Bring it. LOL What's wrong with her neato uterus?? There's no nudity. No pornography. It's a uterus. A very pissed off uterus.
  6. You're right. I have no heart. LOL Could someone PLEASE take over my volunteer organization? No heartless woman should be allowed to be the founder of the Motor City Pinup Dolls!!! *snort*
  7. Sobbing like a baby at the end of "Prayers for Bobby" on Lifetime. Fuck you, Lifetime. My hormones say it, too.
  8. If I take a half a Vicoprofen, NO screaming will occur.
  9. You too today, eh?? I'm ready to beat shit up.
  10. Watching "Prayers for Bobby" and getting REALLY pissed off. I don't like bible-thumpers. Being gay is not a sin or a choice. Goddamn, this is pissing me off.
  11. I'm tired. We bowled for the Kidney Foundation for 3 hours, but we had fun!!
  12. *hugs* As for me...irritated because I want to go out tonight, but can't. And, I have cramps. Yay me.
  13. Is it prune-flavored Tang? Because everyone likes a little Prune Tang in the morning!
  14. I'll be shitting ALIENS by the end of the week...END!! I'm getting better about my caffeine intake. I'm down to drinking a cup a day of half-caff.When I buy coffee, I like to get it the same way. I just have a problem with cutting back on the flavored creamer...
  15. Cher...buy fox urine from a hunting store. Squirt it into the vents and rubber window guards. They'll NEVER be able to get rid of the stench. Trust me.
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