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Brenda Starrr

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Everything posted by Brenda Starrr

  1. Like the world is FULL of assclowns, and that you are one of them.
  2. Me too! I'm hoping that skating weekly will knock this shit off of me. Great. Rub it in. We're here for you. We always will be. I only WISH ours was $550 a month. Girl...me too. I do NOT want to do this.
  4. We should have PB and marshmallow fluff on the 4th!! NO WIRE HANGERS EVERRRRRRRRRR! Me too...
  5. Did you notice that the very thought of that sandwich cheered you up just a teeny bit??
  6. Go get that Boob Scratcher you just got for Christmas!
  7. Like I want a PB and marshamllow sandwich. I love those!
  8. How come I never say that?? Jeff told me to tell you to just "let it go."
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