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Crazed Vampyress

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Everything posted by Crazed Vampyress

  1. finally less sick. now theres tons of chores to be done cuz of the previous sick. anyone wanna be my maid? theres a shiney nickel in it for ya!
  2. Man this is one impatient hungry freaking cat!
  3. thats as comforting as mom and apple pie.
  4. good and evil are all a point of view
  5. When it rains it pours. not only did i get sick this week. not only are the store owners out on vacation this week. not only am i still short a manager so theres only 2 of us. but the other one (not me!) ended up in the hospital... leaving me sick with no help to run the store every day. and as for the hospitalized manager... silly boy keeps worrying about the store. i had to tell him, the store would be fine. they're just subs. he needs to keep getting better. i didnt wanna tell him im sick as a dog and killing myself. i mean i just have a cold bug he has real issues.... *sigh*
  6. i buy off your twisted cops to do my own bidding...
  7. sends army of locusts in to destroy flower field
  8. Pat Sajakowns the wheel! you will all be conquered!
  9. *steals Indianna's hat.... and with it all his power!*
  10. i just want to collapse into a heap on the floor and sob until i drown in my own tears. this is when i miss being a kid the most. when there was someone to pick you up, hold your face and gently wipe away the tears. someone to tell you it would be allright. everything might not work out how you want it to, but it does work out. i miss the faith i had as a child that another person could make the world right for you. my dad used to be that person. used to be. now, nothing. no faith at all. its not that i dont have friends, its that i dont have faith in "happily ever after any more" you grow up and you realize youre on your own. "every living creature on this earth dies alone" -Donnie Darko you go on and on until your legs give out. then you crawl until you arms are too weak. then you cry out until you have no voice left. then you wait until your soul finally gives in. then you die.
  11. i busted my ass to get out of work 2 hours early so i could come home and surprise my best friend for his birthday. he was supposed to come over at 7 and we were 'going out to eat' but really i was surprising him with a home cooked breakfast made for a king- all his favs. biscuits and gravy, eggs bacon toast and hash browns. i got his favorite flavored rum and a bottle of dark rum, another one he likes, and baked cookies for him since hes not so into cake. i even made one heart shaped and super-big and put a birthday candle in it. hes been my best friend for like 10 years, so i love celebrating his birthday with him. i had everything ready to go for 7. at 630 i called him to make sure he was still gonna be here at 7. he said yes. then all hell broke loose. it was 1100 before i heard from him, 1130 before he got here. everything was cold. the rum got warm. he was in a foul mood because of all the shit that happened. and yes it was a bunch of shit. like his sisters dog giving birth on his pillows. and thats just the tip of the iceberg. i know it was his birthday. but i worked so hard and it was all for nothing. by the time he got here he just wanted to drink and watch tv and do nothing. i had his favorite games ready to play. drinks on hand. a hand-cooked meal of all his fav breakfast foods which he frequently comments he never gets... all for nothing. i slammed half a bottle of rum and went to bed leaving him to the tv and the food on the counters where the cats helped themselves at some point during the night.
  12. Stormy calls in the Sweedish Chef to make calamari!
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