i busted my ass to get out of work 2 hours early so i could come home and surprise my best friend for his birthday. he was supposed to come over at 7 and we were 'going out to eat' but really i was surprising him with a home cooked breakfast made for a king- all his favs. biscuits and gravy, eggs bacon toast and hash browns. i got his favorite flavored rum and a bottle of dark rum, another one he likes, and baked cookies for him since hes not so into cake. i even made one heart shaped and super-big and put a birthday candle in it. hes been my best friend for like 10 years, so i love celebrating his birthday with him. i had everything ready to go for 7. at 630 i called him to make sure he was still gonna be here at 7. he said yes. then all hell broke loose. it was 1100 before i heard from him, 1130 before he got here. everything was cold. the rum got warm. he was in a foul mood because of all the shit that happened. and yes it was a bunch of shit. like his sisters dog giving birth on his pillows. and thats just the tip of the iceberg. i know it was his birthday. but i worked so hard and it was all for nothing. by the time he got here he just wanted to drink and watch tv and do nothing. i had his favorite games ready to play. drinks on hand. a hand-cooked meal of all his fav breakfast foods which he frequently comments he never gets... all for nothing. i slammed half a bottle of rum and went to bed leaving him to the tv and the food on the counters where the cats helped themselves at some point during the night.