Its looking like I'm going to be meeting some people from another forum at the next match on the 4th. Figured while I was meeting new people, I might as well see if anyone here was going to be there. If you are let me know.
Derby Girls
Opinions please
Lose the hat? I bought it a while back on a whim and I've been having second thoughts about actually wearing it ever since. Not even sure I'm wearing it correctly tbh.
I guess we'll have to disagree then. To me atheism is simply a lack of belief in a god. I don't consider atheism and agnosticism to be mutually exclusive. I personally believe there isn't a god for what its worth, but like I said before I could be wrong. Maybe we'll all see each other in hell someday .
You absolutely can, I'm an atheist but who know, I could be wrong. Stranger things have happened. Anyone who isn't willing to admit they might possibly be wrong is a close minded fool in my opinion. Just saying.
I have an Iphone 3g and love it, they usually release a new Iphone every year in late June early July so I'm planning to wait and see before I upgrade. Syncing iphones with outlook is very simple through Itunes. Unfortunately IOS doesn't allow flash so depending on what your trying to access online that might be a problem for you. You should be able to sync any Android phone (not just the droid) and any of the new windows 7 phones so you might want to check them out to. I've never actually owned either though so I can't be 100% positive.