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Member (B)
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Everything posted by Shaun

  1. Hehe, that should work to Glad I could be of service.
  2. I confess that I just ate a pound and a half of mixed fruit from meijer's and it were good.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doaYnQXomT4
  4. You wash your face in my sink In my sink You wash your face in my sink In my sink (sink)
  5. When I was little my cousin could imitate the sound of her mom's bed perfectly, and did so frequently. My aunt swears the most embarrassing moment in her life was the first time my cousin did it at a family event lol. Thing is she never realized how loud it was until my cousin started doing it so maybe you should say something to them it its that much of a problem. Leave an anonymous letter of something if you don't want to embarrass anyone.
  6. I'll most likely be in attendance, have some shit to do first though so we shall see. I've always wondered about the word choice myself, though it comes off easy enough so its not a big deal for me.
  7. I just downloaded that song from itunes . I remember my mother listening to it alot when I was a kid but I forgot about it till you qouted it
  8. I feel like I want to go to sleep, but I know if I do I'm just gonna wake up in 3 hours and not be able to sleep again till like noon. Sometimes I hate not being able to sleep well at night.
  9. Hello, . For some reason it amuses me everytime I enter city and see you there with your crotchet. Just saying. Anyway welcome back to the board.
  10. Gotta be honest, I'll still eat it. I've been eating pretty healthy the last couple years but I still go for fast food every week or so.
  11. I went to Priest, moved to warren and evergreen around 5th though so ended up going to ann arbor trail and cody after that. Don't think it really got bad till I moved from there. Though I do remember being teased for smiling to much. My mom swears I was the happiest kid she new when I was real little but to this day I still find myself suppressing the urge to smile alot of the time.
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