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Everything posted by Marblez

  1. Pity me for I have gotten no birthday spankins.
  2. That song from Alice in Wonderland... "I'm Late, I'm Late, for a very important date!" ....damned keyboard stuck to my fingers LOL
  3. finishing my costume for tonight, look for the black oompa-loompa.
  4. A treat I would never encourage. Freaks, all freaks, the lot of em.
  5. I would like to say...those fine looking stocking legs are NOT mine. That is all.
  6. I can officially be pitied now. The lights are off, candles lit, Leonard Cohen "Dance Me to the End of Love" playing softly, glass of wine in my hand...... and I am alone.
  7. I got me some pity last night ... oh wait... nope, that was Pita.
  8. ok, ok, thats enough. seriously. people are going to think there is somethng going on between msterbeau and i. there is not. nothing serious anyway, lol.
  9. You're not serious. Yer just saying that so you can continue to stare at my boobages.
  10. Seriously thinking about removing that picture now.... :blushing
  11. Sure, like anyone would take me seriously as a Mod if I had an avatar like this
  12. I cant see the change. I changed it like 4 times. Then I even closed my browser, deleted temp files, refreshed the page....I can't see how it looks!! Know what makes that seriously funny? I work on a PC help desk!!!
  13. Do I look too serious? I could go for a much less serious one....
  14. I know, I need to quit. People won't be able to take me seriously any more if I keep posting like you post whores!
  15. This is definitely going to get serious....
  16. Seriously Dyno, I doubt that would be worth your while.
  17. It is about 50% sarcasm and 50% "How the hell do you react to this?? It doesn't happen to ME!!"
  18. Multiple crushes were revelaed to me over the past weekend. Damn, life sucks.
  19. Well m only pets are mechanical fish... so I guess that would not be too bad. Although I DO need to change thir water soon.
  20. OMG, hahah "verklempt?? You can't be serious.... LOL Thats about as funny as Phee saying CUM! He did, I'm so serious.
  21. Phee!! OMG, I can't believe you just said that. HEY EVERYBODY!!! PHEE SAID CUM!!!!!
  22. Don't we all? Why do you think Troy's so damned popular? Being 6 foot 20 has it's priveleges.
  23. uhhh, thats a movie - right?
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