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Everything posted by Marblez

  1. I am going to a movie today, wanna go? Not just Phee... anyone? And by the way, it would be lovely to meet katerina again and perhaps even hae a *shock* conversation
  2. I have been through a lot with this board and have gone through some huge changes during this time. It is very dear to me. It stinks that the older posts were lost from EZBoard, I used to look back at times as if it were some kind of diary. The following snippets of my life were lost (thank god for some!!): ~ I was married when I first joined - then divorced. ~ My mother had MS and was ailing, she passed away in 2003. I posted quite a few heartfelt poems and heartbreak posts which I would like to be able to go back and visit. ~ A former moderator effectively shut DGN down for about 2 weeks with a clever yet destructive temper tantrum. ~ Taz (aka Mr Mortician) ~ Quite a few people wondered what the hell was a "jarodaka" ~ We had 2 group camping events that were just amazing. The first of which was way beyond expectations. The pictures were lost. I almost burned down the cabin. There ere candles, fire, music, dancing, talking and a whole lotta alcohol. Apparently pixi sticks and zima is a good combination. Deep throat contest (how hysterically embarassing). And the "guess the breast contest" was born. ~ I was excruciatingly open in the sex and sexuality forum in the early days. This was not found to be helpful when a male DGN'er was having "issues" with his live-in GF (also a poster) at the time. I met the two of them in person at an informal gathering. I didn't get a warm fuzzy feeling from her. He was not allowed to come camping with us since I was there and I was so obviously a sex-fiend. From what I understand, shortly thereafter, she told him to leave and "go find marblez". ~ Lost: The real and true description of where I got my name. ~ Black Sunday was not the loveable creature he is today. He had at least 2 other incarnations and BOY did he piss a lot of people off. ~ Remember miss antropia? She was a 15 year old girl that got many of the guys all riled up with her schoolgirl stories and modeling pictures...she turned out to be a 40 some year old man that had been known to go from forum to forum scamming people. In one of his personalities, he was even supposed to be some Seattle woman's Maid of Honor at her wedding!! ~ Oh, if I were to name my DGN crushes (most of which went nowhere, by the way!) ~ A certain member was banned, came back as someone else, was banned, came back as someone else, was banned....came back... I guess he really liked the place. ~ Marblez was not a goth..err, wait..nevermind, no change there ~ We had a crazy experience where some bad blood was created between DGN and another popular forum from another state. LOL, remember the masks they made? Sorry Troy, but that was very funny. ~ Drama Drama Drama, the relationship twists and turns, it has been like our own little gothic soap opera. ~ Neverending "I'm so goth" threads and how many times did we read the question, "what is goth?" Did anyone actually come up with a conclusive answer to those? ~ emember the egyptian visual theme? I'll think of more later. slee.p...
  3. Ok, I can't handle it anymore...her name was ARACHNIA!!!!!!!! I have been trying to hold my tongue and not correct people as much lately but I ....just...couldn't...do...it.... Arachnia was on with her husband Slipstream (before the addition of his aka DJ Bradd).
  4. I joined very close to Manic Queen within days, I think. Can't be positive of the exact date, because my first account was a local account on EzBoard and it has apparently disappeared. I was added as a Mod in Feb 2002, I do believe.
  5. Totally unrelated to any conversation going on here...but...May I throw up now?
  6. Find the Michigan Patient's Bill of Rights here: http://www.mdch.state.mi.us/hlpd/pbr/index2.htm Basically, if you get a job or enroll in a group policy that is either an HMO or Blue Cross Blue Shield there will be no waiting period for Pre-Existing Conditions. Otherwise the maximum waiting period will be 6 months. Unless your group policy has less than 50 participants in which case, it may be 12 months.
  7. Maybe you should give him the definition, Troy.
  8. I think Brenda may be on to something
  9. Wait, what was it? It tasted kinda funny :doh
  10. Cant. I already had the last of it.
  11. he's in loooooove! troy and sybil sitting in a tree...
  12. Damn, i am so bad at taking orders. Sure you want me as a mod troy? I can be so ...whats the word.... insubordinate. Yeah. Hi Sybil :waves:
  13. of course it'll be good. I'll be doing some vocals for him Not to sound conceited yanno. hehe
  14. In the table area, basically between the bar and the 1st or second pillars. Most likely to be standing rather than sitting.
  15. I was SOOO going to quote this one. :grin
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