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Everything posted by Marblez

  1. OOOHHHH don't let any of your fellow squirters know you said that....
  2. Quite a dirty dirty topic title Critter!!! I am so proud
  3. Well if you don't mind her giving lap dnces, I am sure she won't mind you giving a massage or two... me first! :grin
  4. I will definitely be going, and I have the next morning off of work. I either could use a ride or perhaps someone to split a room so I can sleepy afterwards and not spend a whole $50 myself.
  5. I find this thread has taken a very distasteful turn. I personally think Sooth has excellent taste in women, at least one for that matter. What was her name.
  6. I expect to go and would be infinitely appreciative if I could get a ride from someone...
  7. Started off really crummy since i slep through the alienare show. :( But got better, the band insisted i sing with them again And yours?
  8. Hmm, does Black Count? (I LOVE Pineapple Pizza!) What color besides black is most prevalent in your wardrobe?
  9. toadys ramen soup and turkey. My moms version of Ghoulash, it is more vagetable stewy.....YUMMMM. Gnocchi's?
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