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Everything posted by spacin

  1. Wait. While I was posting that the player went on to....
  2. Feeling old because I decided not to go to the Velvet Acid Christ show in Hamtramck tonight. (I saw them last year in Portland anyway.)
  3. I have a list. I miss my dad (the reason I'm in MI is to deal with his estate). I miss the way my life was last year (2013 has been the year of everything falling apart, but I know things will turn around next year. I have a plan) I miss watching Firefly on channel 50 while getting ready for City Club on Friday nights, and then listening to Troy's collage radio show while getting ready Saturday night. I miss the days I could go to the club and then wake up the next day not feeling like ass. I miss the pre-club parties we had in the parking garage across the street from City Club, the security guard would even join in sometimes. (The garage is gone now) I miss my '72 Volvo (It really was a sweet little tank. 600,000 miles and no signs of giving up). I miss East Alley Records. I miss being able to walk into shops that only sold Anime stuff. I only know of one now, and it's in Bend Oregon (Wabi Sabi). It goes on a bit but I wont bore you, these are just things that seem to pop into my head the most, some are just a permanent fixture in my mind these days.
  4. If I won it. I'd pay off all my debt (it's actually small now so that would be easy, in fact it'll all be mostly payed off by the end of the year anyway). Pay off my mom's house. Buy a nice little house of my own on a few acres in the mountains. Restore my '83 Subaru as it is like a family member now. Get my pilot's license and buy a Piper Cub (actually probably a Carbon Cub). Done. Just put the rest in some sort of growing savings and enjoy life. Oh. And I might consider paying off my buddies house he just bought. Need him to be able to afford to tag along on the camping trips I'd be doing. Though he has a job he likes that pays him stupid amounts of money now. So I think he proly has it covered.
  5. I've always had this problem with the fact I live 2,500 miles away now. Yeah the internet is always right there. But life on the west coast demands I pay attention to it and thoughts drift away from MI. I'm always back on here though when I'm in town (like now). But trips back to MI have been fewer and fewer. And this recent trip may even be close to the last as family either dies or moves away. :( But I think I'll make a note on the wall over the computer when I get home. "Check DGN every so often jerk!"
  6. This as well. My mp3 player is headed in the right direction tonight while getting ready for CC. 3 songs I love in a row. And fit perfectly right now. I always love it when it hits this kind of lineup while camping (I go camping with many many watts of sound, we even have lasers and strobes sometimes).
  7. I was not able to see it the past few days but I can see DGN now. So something must be going right.
  8. Turning off the anime marathon I've been on all day (and for the last few days) and thinking about getting ready for City Club. (I figured out that my dad had the laptop set up to plug into the TV through an HDMI. Been streaming like mad......) After all my time is limited here. And I missed last night, which I read was an anime themed night at CC. (Yes I've been in super geek mode the past week)
  9. Thinking I should have remembered to throw the laundry in the dryer before heading off to my cousin's today to play video games..... Instead of being on my way to Necto right now I'm waiting for my pants to dry.
  10. Very tired. I think I danced for two hours straight last night..... Not done that in a long time. And got up way too early this morning.
  11. One night I was getting drunk and working on music and decided to bleach out my hair to give it a fresh purple dye job. Passed out during the bleaching and ruined a black pillowcase...... hehe Woke up in the morning quite displeased with myself.
  12. Getting ready to head out the door for City Club. Gotta get in as much as I can while I'm in town. And if anybody else decides to head there. 3 row studded belt and skull and crossbones shirt. Hair nothing like on my profile pic. Oh and I don't wear glasses anymore. (I really should update the profile pic.....)
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVAsupiz1X8
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