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  1. I hope all is well with ya Troy! I don't know you at all other then the post I have seen on here. Must tell ya bro you have a ton of people that care about you! Even I care and yet I don't know anything about you other then words on a message board. One thing I know for sure is you have a big heart! You have always tried to help anyone that you thought you could help even though you had your own troubles. Didn't matter if they was strangers or close friends. Your no burden to anyone here not even yourself. Hope things get better for you! *hugs*
  2. I often feel the sameway Troy. As for being a crybaby, I have to agree with Vater Araignee.
  3. I use to think about things like this myself. I have found over the years of reading the bible and looking at things going on it the world that I'm not sure I really want to know. The thought that things I have read and seen scares the crap out of me at times. I could argue the point of the book of revalations and things that have come about that have been put in the bible. Again though so many people have read the same words and came up with different meanings. Right now it's my faith that something greater is out there that keeps me around. I can't explain how or why I feel like I do as I don't have any clue what really made me feel it. About 10 years ago after my moms death I was doing things that I shouldn't of when it was like I was hit with a brick wall. When things got so bad for me that I couldn't take it anymore is when I felt something from inside calling to me. Maybe it was just self consious telling me I needed to stop but I feel it was something else. Something greater that I can't explain with words. The human brain is one of the biggest mysteries. There is so much of it that is unused. I think things such as "super power" if you will are possable. Over the course of time people have done things that are remarkable. Feats brought out by will power beyond knowing. The key is to unlock the parts of the brain that allow these things to happen on a normal basis. I watched my mom suffer with lung cancer and givin 4 months max to live. She had one lung removed because it was so bad they couldn't save it. After 5 years they did a brain scan and found other parts of her brain active. Even the doctors where dumb founded by this and had no answer to what was happening. I was 7 years old when she got cancer and she lived to see me graduate from school. After that her will power faded away and the once active parts in her brain shut down. She died 2 months later. I'm not really sure what all the brain can do but I know it can do more then what it is doing on your normal everyday task. I know some people beleive in other things and I accept you for the way you are. Being true to yourself is the most important thing. I'm in no way flaming what you feel and I say this because I have seen post like this one before. It turned into a big flame war over one persons thoughts. Though I feel you are all mature enough to accept others thoughts and reasons and grow upon them with your own. In truth nobody knows what is real but what you yourself feel.
  4. Dark wine purple (color of my car someday) Midnight Blue Chrome
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