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Everything posted by odims_sphere

  1. Seriously the seriousness of this thread is important, I seriously wouldn't be suprised if it lasted forever, it's that serious
  2. I could just steal a Blackhawk and land it on top of the Ramada, that would be neat. Do you think it's coincidence that CC is in the Ramada, and I am Stationed in Ramadi?
  3. Mix equal parts morters and gunfire, along with no sewage control and very bad chow and thats Iraq. Or Detroit, but I'm pretty sure it's Iraq
  4. I'm free friday, but I don't think I can make it
  5. *bows* Anything I can do to make your life more informed
  6. I'd like to comment on the seriousness of this thread but seriously I can think of nothing serious.
  7. Club? I heard a joke about a club once, it goes like this: A Baby seal walks in to a club.
  8. Just so we understand, I have pooped though, and not just on the ground anywhere even though that is acceptable in this culture.
  9. I haven't pooped in a flushable toilet in 7 months
  10. Doesn't it just sound like music one should be maintaining an assult rifle while listening to?
  11. Cleaning my M4, listening to Icon of Coil
  12. It's ok you know, you are only human, I get it all the time, I'm actually quite flattered. Don't let Phee fool you though, he's had the hots for me since 11th grade
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