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Everything posted by odims_sphere

  1. I think today may be a promising day
  2. Kind of, it's a reimbursment program. You have to pay for it up front, then they give it back to you per semester. She really knows mor about it than I do though. She's doing the application process now.
  3. Legion by VNV Nation... Stupid Pandora radio.
  4. We could totally talk about the seriousness of the effects of acid rain on apple blossoms, and the serious after effects of honey bee pollination, thusly the serious rise in honey prices.
  5. for serious. I mean with all the non-serious threads around it's good to have this one for some truely serious discussion.
  6. I seriously was amazed to see this most serious thread return
  7. Awaiting the sales manager to get back with my lunch
  8. Never trust anything that's free, just ask God about that whole free will debacle. What makes the sky blue?
  9. I'm hungry.. lets go get a taco
  10. I would like to be asleep now please
  11. 2 hours and 15 minutes left....
  12. Coil did that, it was called "the snow" oddly enough.. Back to the game... Uh... invent a new way to germinate hopps for beer!
  13. You can haz az much az you wantz

  14. Making coffee. Thinking of crawling back in bed for a little while
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