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Everything posted by odims_sphere

  1. An explaination was attempted. You have PM's off.
  2. Ok That's enough! It's too damn loud in here
  3. Shinny (or shinney) is an informal type of hockey played on ice. There are no formal rules or specific positions, and generally, there are no goaltenders. The goal areas at each end may be marked simply by objects, such as blocks of snow, stones, etc. Bodychecking and lifting or "roofing/reefing/raising the puck" (shooting the puck or ball so it rises above the ice) are often forbidden because the players are not wearing protective equipment. It may also be called pick-up hockey or pond hockey. Shinny is a game that all levels of hockey enthusiasts can play because it requires no rink, requires no skills except ability to hold a stick and at the very least to try to touch the puck or ball when it goes by. Shinny may be completely non-competitive and recreational - scoring irrelevant - or competitive and scores kept.
  4. I'm Beautiful because I don't NEED others to think I'm beautiful, furthermore I don't care if they don't
  5. Getting ready for work by drinking A LOT! COFFEE, you drunks! Although... *ponders*
  6. I can get it, but you wont like it
  7. Nothing, but Candy is making Skettii which most def will be good!
  8. I ate some bacon once... it was great

  9. Waiting for choice logistics to call me back cuz they're so stupid they put in orders for fedex deliveries after our fedex cutoff time, then I have to get permission to bill them to drive it to a fedex drop off location. Now one of their other morons down there just called to ask if I recieved the order. HELLO ASS HOLE I CALLED YOU BECAUSE IT"S PAST OUR CUTOFF TIME!
  10. Internet, cable AND hot water, whatever will you do???
  11. I wanna go home too. Finally getting cable HD/DVR and internet today, (Thanx Phee!).
  12. still working, one more hour to go then this 12 hour double time day is done.
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