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Everything posted by odims_sphere

  1. I lost a myspace friend and I don't know who it was! Oh Please god why? Why not just strike me down with a bolt from the heavens! I cannot go on.
  2. You should eat a 2 pound burrito that's what I had for lunch and I don't think I'll be hungry for a while. Luckily I don't get off werk till 7:30 as for what I'm doing now? I'm out of the warehouse and now I'm dispatchin
  3. I just wish there wern't any problems.. But that's wishfull thinking
  4. Talking to Phee and Odi... er wait that's me.
  5. Phee, I think everyone is getting out of hand again, tell 'em to calm down
  6. I'm so very glad... get it, Tupperware.. glad... glad wrap. God I hate you kyle
  7. Playing warehouse manager while my brother is on vacation, hoping I don't screw it up to bad.
  8. just finished a fire drill at pre-school, now watching sesame street with the baby girl.
  9. some one make time go faster.
  10. Shhhh. Quiet down those thumbs
  11. Hiding in the warehouse so as I don't have to do anything!
  12. *pulls out spare magic wand* *Makes candy...nevermind*
  13. yummy cophee from my new cophee maker, (one more time thanks Candy!)
  14. *waves magic wand**Makes you any*
  15. i'm eatin chicken, about to jump in shower
  16. only 1.5 more hours till i is outta here!
  17. It's funny cuz it's bigger than a normal size hat

  18. Hey Phee, Why is there a watermelon here?
  19. *waves magic wand* you are now cophee
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