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Everything posted by odims_sphere

  1. *dumps it out and eats the cup* Thanks!
  2. What's going on in here? I want COPHEE!
  3. getting really pissed off at the army. And oreo's are always a good idea
  4. just got back from chow. Waiting on a washer now
  5. glad you like it, just stay away from that damn DGN litter box er.. I mean sand box
  6. Elmo is getting mad, he needs his sack!
  7. Awe *blush* he loves me.. he really really loves me!
  8. like the door to the crematory?
  9. see that! *points* its the plaid solstice!
  10. that's it, Phee raise her warning level to plaid!
  11. What's going on in here? I thought I had you removed?
  12. sure, just not in here GUARDS! REMOVE HER!!!
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