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Everything posted by odims_sphere

  1. yes yuck.. I'm so glad you've chosen the coffee house over the sand box.. very good choice!
  2. *holds lighter dangerously close to another stink bomb* I'm waiting!
  3. since you asked... Are you offering, cuz that could bring an end to the bloodshed I'm sure
  4. *stops* *blink* Nah better not say it... *runs*
  5. just showered, Chatting a little maybe gonna watch a movie on the 'ol lappy 2000
  6. Hence the reason the coffee house has declaired war! *drops a stink bomb*
  7. I'm glad msterbeau has converted back to the coffee house!
  8. just finished giving a class on reacting to chemical attack
  9. eek! It's the sandbox suprime commander GET HIM! *throws more candycorn*
  10. *runs screaming like a little girl*
  11. *throws candy corn at the sand box*
  12. about to take a nap. Soldiering is hard work (sarcasm)
  13. waking up, about to go to formation then breakfast.
  14. I see you've chosen the sand box... not good. I'm going to have to turn you into a dog for a while.
  15. you must! I cannot allow cross contamination from that vile sand ridden place in here!
  16. *the coffee house mochalatepheeno bombs the sandbox* SCORE ONE FOR THE GOOD GUYS!
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