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Everything posted by odims_sphere

  1. Exactly, and don't forget who weilds the indiscriminate power over this forum! *whispers* it's me!
  2. the coffee house seems lonely since they put in that damn sand box. *the coffee house declairs war on the sandbox!* You must choose sides, but choose wisely!
  3. cherry it is! *sacrifices a virgin*
  4. trying to motivate myself to go to sleep.
  5. I love ducktales! Glad it's working!
  6. Chatting here and on myspace. Waiting to go to chow.
  7. *looks up* *hands you a baby turkey*
  8. *starts bulding a sand castle*
  9. not to worry here in the sand, water, salad dressing box poop breaks down very quickly and with very little smell.
  10. Nothing better that a good poop when you really gotta go!..
  11. Nice see that wasn't so hard! Oops.. I set you up again didn't I?
  12. Are you seriously asking ME that question?
  13. There is way to much peeing going on..
  14. Just wisper it, no one will hear I promise
  15. *makes a mud pie from Brenda's... wet area* *throws it at Phee*
  16. *holds hand out* *bats eyelashes*
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