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Everything posted by odims_sphere

  1. I block with the green dragon flaming sword which has a +1 attack against any applepie
  2. I'm someone, and i'm here, so I guess you don't have to wait anymore!!
  3. You noticed that I have smited you
  4. Great Phee, Now I have to scroll over to hit the reply button. You are SO on notice!
  5. I was there, I drank. I went to Carter's and had sliders after. It was a good night.
  6. wow, that's just not an attractive image i just got. A corny, poopy log slowly mashing into my eye. ewwww.
  7. yup, and the pistons just moved into the second round of their playoffs with a 4 game sweep of orlando
  8. In case anyone cares, (I do BTW), the Lions have taken yet another reciever as their first round pick in the NFL draft. Most likely though they'll trade down for more picks.
  9. I feel as though I may make it. Tonight. Look for me in my corner, I'll be the one dressed in black
  10. Is that when pigs are running for their lives?
  11. I've never had "any" cophee befor, what's it like?
  12. Girls... People... now you are being silly! Brenda please don't hurt me *cowers in corner*
  13. Don't be silly, people don't like me.
  14. Phee, Your new Siggie made me realize that I've never seen Day, or Land of the dead, are they as good as Night and Dawn?
  15. I seriously just ate a very serious jalapeƱo pepper.
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