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Everything posted by odims_sphere

  1. That's not all that's throbbing
  2. Happy feet on the TV in the next room
  3. "I'm Bruce Dickenson I put my pants on one leg at a time, but once their on... I make gold records"
  4. Phones are ok, Even picture phones are ok, but actual cameras are not.
  5. Negitive, this is still a pay to play party
  6. With the construction industry in shambles I was forced to become an Independent contractor for a courier service. We are paid per call. I've been here 2 1/2 hours and nothing yet.. now I'm wondering if I should go to Karaoke tomorrow night w/ Cix
  7. Ditto Also wondering if I'm going to make any money today.
  8. No way! remember what happened last time? I'm still finding toenail clippings in places I didn't know I had.
  9. You still have to do my make up and maybe a pedicure!
  10. Dear DGN Genie. What happes now?
  11. I guess that's better than a parking lot in the dog
  12. Drinking coffee and waiting for something to do at werk
  13. Goth + Tanning = Burst into flames. It does feel so good though.
  14. You know there is an actual "Hell" Michigan that is no where near Brighton. Brighton does suck something fierce though. I built a Burger King there once.... it was great.
  15. Dear DGN Genie When is Candy coming home?
  16. Cophee for all *pees in the air*
  17. It's that reason alone why cophee makes me so happy!
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