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Everything posted by odims_sphere

  1. Mr. T hates to fly, they have to knock him out every time the A team has to fly anywhere.
  2. I seriously thank you for your seriousness.
  3. I've never really grasped the seriousness of this thread till just now. Seriously.
  4. Candy and I will be there. This may be the last time she is there for a long time since she's going back to the war.
  5. it took 6 months to strech my wings, then there was the gender re-assignment surgery
  6. I "would" look like this if Phee didn't give me that medicated lotion.
  7. if there is frog semen, is there a frog submarine?
  8. great, now I want llama burgers.
  9. I spent all day breaking concrete. Concrete is hard... and heavy.
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