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Everything posted by odims_sphere

  1. I'm pretty sure it wasn't working before and now it is!
  2. Hurray my RAC is 430, and I'm over 7000 total credits! not that bad for only a couple weeks work. ***edit*** Almost forgot, I also have 2000 credits pending.
  3. increasing the pain in my brain from trying to teach a rock to swim.
  4. This just in! our team's RAC has just exceeded 1000! Good work all.
  5. DOH! still funny anyway I saw previous posts from text convos and PM's so i thought I'd throw it out there.
  6. Now I'm having problems downloading new tasks. I've completed and uploaded everything and I have about 10 that are pending download. My RAC is going to plummit if I can't start any new tasks! NM.. seems to be working again. still slow however, but at least I have both processors back on duty.
  7. I've also noticed they are kinda slow at processing the credit. I have just under 1600 credits in the "pending credit" area. I seem to be racking this up a lot faster than they are sorting through it. At least if I stopped running SETI@home for a day it should act as a buffer to keep my RAC high.
  8. Their data base is down and all Troy's numbers reset to older ones. I really hope I didn't lose all that credit I had racked up over the last couple of days!
  9. It's another wonderful day here @ DGN!
  10. cheering on the inside! the trainee is not coming in tonight. He has called in 3 times in the 2.5 weeks he's worked here... not that good. For him that is!
  11. he says yes sir he's afraid it is!
  12. For whatever reason Vista would lock up while trying to install it directly without downloading the installer to the harddrive first. Like it would try and refrence the install files after it had already deleted them from the temporary folder. When that happened I had to end the installer task from the Task manager, then restart the computer. After I donloaded it first to the hard drive the installer worked fine, other than the million times Vista asks, "your computer is doing something, do you want it to?" I talked with my brother, who is becoming quite the tech geek, who told me that vista would prefer if you created two user accounts, one that has all the admin privleges and less security measures for installing stuff, then you're "every day" account that is locked down. That makes it run a bit more smoothly.
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