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Everything posted by odims_sphere

  1. I haven't seen or talked to Troy in many many years.
  2. 1995 because of Phee and Jinx, I hate you guys :woot:
  3. I was bored and just searching the all time top post list and I noticed that there are 242 validated members who have never posted even a single post... interesting. Or you can go here
  4. yes..yes they were.. aaahh High school
  5. I saw crowbar once. I don't remember if they were great
  6. Ahh! I know what you mean, but then again I can read your mind.
  7. goin' to bed, gotta babysit tomorrow.
  8. Ahem. All is well. Carry on
  9. I love you Brenda. I'm going to sleep now, please continue with the mission. :fear
  10. Neeto. My b-day is oct 10.. that's right 10-10. It would be swell to start meeting some of yous guys in person, except that you'll prolly hate me.. I know I'm so goth. *slits wrists* I'm very incoheriant and I can't spell, so pay no attention to that man behind the curtian.
  11. Dreams about cotton candy wrapped in bacon in a garage where little wombats dance around naked while whistling the theme to Airwolf.
  12. *odims stabs self with a halibut*
  13. not on purpose. The stripper did it 'cuse I guess some guys get off on that.. I was not one of them.
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