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Everything posted by odims_sphere

  1. If I could I'd give you my lays... The potato chip kind
  2. Well getting laid makes me smile, if that's what you are asking.
  3. I would like to go on record as saying.
  4. Laundry. Even though I know thats woman's work. Again that was out of line, I apologize once again. I'm sure Candy will take out all of the estrogen rath that comment created.
  5. Hey Phee! she said playground! he he he!
  6. Are like apple blossoms in the night
  7. That late at night she won't have the construction traffic, and as Marc suggested the southfield bypass is an excellent idea.
  8. Last week was one of the rare, few times I've seen you tipsy Phee. Prolly all the shots Candy kept buying.
  9. the Ypsi/Arbor lanes have 1 dollar per game after 9:00. That's where we'll be
  10. tomorrow... drunk bowling. Fun will be had by all.
  11. This post brought to you by Riley my 3 year old: bjkjkjkkvgvggggggggggg nnnn44rdedeswswszdxd4edrrddrrrddfnz
  12. I just got a call. I have a meeting at 10:00 on thursday to build a retaining wall. They liked the bid I gave them. So hopefully early next week I'll be starting a $3000.00 job for the next 10 days.
  13. I was there... it was great
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