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Everything posted by LuluVox

  1. Well, if we're gonna get all nit-picky, I don't even think Joy Division is goth, even if they do have a song called "Dead Souls" and the singer committed suicide. They're post-punk; Ian Curtis would probably roll around in his little Iggy Pop-loving grave if he knew about the genre his music is associated with. On that note, I nominate "The Eternal"...by...Joy Division. That's right, 'cause I'm rebellious like that. Here, I ganked it from myself so you can download it: http://www.mediafire.com/?5navjmynmnb
  2. Brang it!! Damn. You pretty much used the best icon; there is no topping it. :(
  3. "Release the Bats" by The Birthday Party. :D
  4. Go Meg!! I'm trying to focus on work after going for a walk to visit some horses. Horses who rejected my peppermints, I might add.
  5. They'd better. Also, speaking of Dead Like Me, there's apparently a DVD-movie release in the works, though the cast hasn't been released...how they could make it without the original cast is beyond me, though, so I hope they don't try that.
  6. I use Trillian at work and Adium at home on my Mac, and both are ace.
  7. Woven Hand -- Deerskin Doll I can't even explain how much I love this song. It's just... alkjterkl.adjear. I don't even know.
  8. Tom Waits: "Kommienezuspadt" (aka, the song that definitively proves Tom Waits' voice is possessed by Satan.) Now it's "Glass Eye" by Woven Hand. Which is strange because this guy's voice is possessed by Jesus. OMG spiritual battle in iTunes!
  9. Wise Blood. Just started but I think I'm really going to like it.
  10. "Katy Song" by Red House Painters, stuck in my head.
  11. I'm reading Dearly Devoted Dexter by Jeff Lindsay. Before that I read its predecessor, Darkly Dreaming Dexter. Both are pretty good, but I already knew they would be. I'm almost done, and then I'm either going to read Wise Blood by Flannery O'Connor or Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer. I'm read-y.
  12. They're my thing, too, I love 'em! My 6-yr-old nephew got me the cutest one for Christmas, silver and black. I am currently wearing a black, knee-length sleeveless V-neck dress with black ribbon straps and trim under a black button-down shirt with silver/fake pearl buttons, with blue-and-black striped tights and my high black boots with the buckle. Also my trusty hematite ring, aventurine necklace, and my sapphire/diamond engagement ring. Uhm, and earbuds in my ears. :D
  13. Yay, Oregon! Very cute! (aka: sounds like something I'd wear! :D) I'm wearing my sexy workout clothes. And a piece of rice I just spilled on myself from dinner.
  14. "Working" and coaching my friend through the realization that a guy she used to date is a total jerkface and she needs to tell him to fuck off.
  15. Orange juice mixed with sparkling grape cider.
  16. "Just Look What You've Done" by Brenda Holloway.
  17. That's more like it! There is a time and a place for chicken wings.
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