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Everything posted by CandyQuackenbush

  1. Coffee. I do love our coffee maker with a timer on it! Yummy yummy yummy.
  2. Sitting here on teh couch, pondering if I should hem up the Chef pants that where given to me today. Watching Odims eat his own hand, he said it itched.... Still fumbling with my new addtion to myself.
  3. Going to work. Wondering if I want some lunch or not.... I think I can just grab a water and/or a coffee.
  4. About to start studying for my test tomorrow, and go finish up my homework.
  5. Cleaning out the jeep soon. Packing for drill, and we are leaving tonight to beat the snow.
  6. *coughs and points to self*massagetherapist*coughs*
  7. Watching Scrubs, listening to the kids eat dinner.
  8. jknasfdoiharet8iharjdvc90iokj4gfresd8ybvhuarjgdfbu9jiwkcop PEFU9EJD Q0IW9qfnv
  9. Making sure my cell phone isn't broken.
  10. I have two positions for you. I can give you the "Thinker" or... the "Stinker".

  11. folding laundry!!!! OMFG SO MUCH FUN!!! *inhales the Vanilla Orchid dryer sheet* Soooooo Goooooooooooooooooooood. *dies*
  12. A bunch of photos burned to a disk, then I go to CVS and print them. So then I can show about 48 out of well over 200 photos of Iraq. What do YOU gots?
  13. a big window that lets WAY TOO MUCH sunlight in!! And you, you with the pants, what do you gots?
  14. About to take care of somethings around the house, and go get a news paper. Like I can go work out today. I think I am just going to put the iPod on, and go take a good fast walk. Any takers? We can have tea later on!!!!
  15. Pizza, beer, and Odims. What dooooo yoooooou gotz?
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