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Everything posted by CandyQuackenbush

  1. Wants this chick to make her some blue hair falls. Which I found the yarn for. All I need to do is make them.
  2. Thank you for the cophee. Good thing for me, the fish that fuck in the water that is used to make this, the water is cooked really high, and their batter is cooked outta it.
  3. Hearing Rayne talking about beds, makes me want nap time. Oh! I have red highlights now. My hair is pretties. You wont be able to see at CC unless I am in the Litte Girly Goth room.
  4. Just got done showering, and now, I am just sitting.
  5. Dealing with yesterdays events. Makes me feel alittle dirty and depressed. But Odims DID buy me stuff today, and I made him lunch, and took him out for dinner, and cophee.
  6. Spinach and Artichoke dip and Ritz Crackers. And grape juice. i *heart* juice
  7. Sorry about last night! Man I freakin' slept alllllll day and night at Donny's. We will be at CC on Friday.
  8. watching TV. I just drove back from Odims. Had plans on going to Nectos last night, but I slept all day and night instead.
  9. I.......need........cophee........ Plus my Odims
  10. i commented here once..... and it was great.
  11. I got no fucking sleep last night. I hope I am no to cranky for Odims when he comes over.
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