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Everything posted by CandyQuackenbush

  1. Realized that Rayne has set her life goal.... it was great.
  2. *coughs* postwhore*coughs* tee hee hee *heart*
  3. Odims stabed me in the face with his spike once.... it was ummm great?
  4. Damn it, I'd be happy to make like 500. You know, like a landmark for me or sumthin.
  5. Outstanding. I'm glad they fit! If taken out of contex.... its dirrrrrty.
  6. I galvanted around Lowes with Phee and Odims once... it was great.
  7. Must.... take.....shower.... But I am waiting on a phone call.
  8. I got an English Springer Spanele. She's umm outthere. But addorible. And now she has aboot a 4 inch stran of drool hanging from her mouth. Oh sick, I just heard it hit the floor. *gags*
  9. Petting you? It makes you Spyder Monkee me. Thats what it does.
  10. She wants attention. I keep petting her, thinking that she'll go away and go find someone else. But I am the only someone else right now. Shes a goof.
  11. Eating Shrimp Fried Rice. Yummy leftovers.
  12. Showering, then heading to Plymouth. Where I will get lots of sex. :woot: yay!
  13. Perking up alittle. I am now listening to Seabound, and getting rid of 4 bags of clothing that I've had for years, cleaning, and laundry. So I am playing Domestic Engineer.
  14. Wondering what the fuck is wrong with me. Wondering why I am depressed today. In short, I know I am going to be anti-social.
  15. Yesh. You can do that @ Necto's if you so desire. By then, I shouldn't feel so fat. I dunno. Odd day I guess.
  16. No, it would only be PHAT if I was hip and cool. Saddly, I am just a white girl from chesterfield that ate too much at lunch time. So i am just fat.
  17. I'm bored. And feeling alittle fat. *sighs* I hate holidays.
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