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Everything posted by CandyQuackenbush

  1. Talking to my Leggo, and getting ready to go eat Sushi.
  2. *click* I have to decorate the damn tree.
  3. Why thank you for the welcome. Odims was given the same briefings as I did when we Demobed. IE Suicide.
  4. No one in TQ thought that me singing that song that way was funny.
  5. Waits to see if Odims really does launch himself from the window.
  6. Wearing a PVC dress and new boots. But now I must take it off so I dont ruin it before New Years Eve.
  7. No you haven't it takes more than that to offened this chick. I just got my new clothes from Vampsandtramps.
  8. Hates the fact that my someone is an hour out from me.
  9. When I am not playing army. I am a floral designer, and gift basket designer.
  10. Being lethargic. Thinking of what I need to do today. Whic isnt much.
  11. A puppy with 2 legs, and no tail. Named "Tracker" But he must only like to eat yard gnomes and drinks hot dog water.
  12. Listening to :Wumpscut: on my iPod, freezing just like Odims_Sphere.
  13. Sitting in the MWR in Camp Ar Ramadi, Iraq. Waiting for a meeting and then going to take a nap. Plus counting down the days until I get out of Iraq and in to Michigan. *coughs*December 10th*coughs*
  14. I hear that Odims might have fleas. He seems to scrach himself alot. Hence why he might be naked. Grow cows?
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