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Everything posted by n0Mad

  1. Certainly not! I love hats and wish more people would wear them. Fedoras (like yours) and akubras (the Australian version of a fedora) are my favorite, though I also like trilbies and flat caps. IMO though, baseball caps do not count as hats. So, yeah ... keep the hat.
  2. Anybody know when the first expansion is going to come out? I'm a sucker for story mode.
  3. I agree. But what really surprises me are all the people who have found really close friends, spouses, or other connections on DGN yet continue to slam it on Facebook.
  4. Actually, the Bible doesn't say anything at all about the rapture. It speaks of end times, sure, but the rapture is one of the many things the Catholics made up (they also made up purgatory, it's not in the Bible at all).
  5. "But of that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone." Taken from both Matthew 24:36 and Mark 13:32, New American Standard Version. If Christ himself doesn't even know when he's coming back, that loon certainly doesn't.
  6. Wow! I checked my join date and didn't realize that I've been here for 6. I've never been on a forum for that long. Even the one for magic (illusion, prestidigitation, etc) that I helped moderate I was only on for about 4 years.
  7. I counter-snipe with the more stealthy sniper squirrel:
  8. Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. I liked it; I thought it was a lot of fun. It didn't have quite the magic the original trilogy had, but it also didn't have Orlando Bloom so I thought it balanced out nicely.
  9. Enigma and Katzen pause from breakfast to kick his ass for stealing Katzen's look:
  10. Gollyzilla does battle with Catzilla:
  11. Cross posting in a couple different forums, because this pic is so hot, it deserves it:
  12. Cross posting in a couple different forums, because this pic is so hot, it deserves it:
  13. Stonehenge was too small and ruined the concert:
  14. I totally want one! If anyone knows where to get one, let me know.
  15. A) You need to be able to get it on Netflix for this game. 2) I agree; that movie is so much fun.
  16. The title just reminded me of this sketch:
  17. The Sarlacc takes up residence in the Great Pit of Carkoon.
  18. GEEK! They were clearly playing table top. The whole costume elements were when the audience took a journey into the players' imaginations.
  19. I'm wondering what game they're playing where they need to keep rolling a d6. Not D&D as that is a d20 for most things and the only time you need a d6 are for generating stats in the beginning, and rolling damage for fireballs, shortsword, short bow, etc. Heck, even healing spells use a d8. Unless they're playing Shadowrun or the West End Games version of Star Wars. Those both use d6s exclusively, but then why would they be dressed in fantasy garb? I'm so confused.
  20. What you didn't see on that video, is that while the girl's ears raised up when she was scoping the guy, the guy had something that raised up as well.
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