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Everything posted by n0Mad

  1. The grammar natzees "take care" of Yoda:
  2. Newman adds some dressing to that salad in:
  3. Picard takes over and restores order to the universe.
  4. Me too. And when it's really raining out, I look like the second picture, only my hat and duster are both black.
  5. Ash can't remember the words "Klatu Barada Nicto" and is destroyed by Gort:
  6. If you wanted to give wrapping paper to someone as a gift, what would you put it in?
  7. Sorry for the double post, but 1911 just wouldn't be right without the greatest pistol design of all times. 100 years and still going strong.
  8. I went to OU and still live pretty close to campus. I actually helped out with a play there the past couple of Saturdays. If you need anyone to show you around town, just let me know.
  9. x1023 There aren't many movies out there I didn't enjoy. Even if I didn't really like it, I could find something I appreciated it for. It seems everyone else is so cynical they're just setting themselves up not to like anything.
  10. Stanley Spadowski cleans everything up with his mop:
  11. You expected anything different? That's exactly what I was expecting, and exactly what I got, plus a little more. So I was very pleased with the movie. I thought it was epically awesome! It's like when a big group of friends and I went to see "Starship Troopers" in the theater. Everybody except me and one friend thought it was terrible. My friend and I said, "What were you expecting? Art? We expected a bunch of jarhead space marines blowing the shit out of giant bugs. What did we get? A bunch of jarhead space marines blowing the shit out of giant bugs, PLUS boobies and a bit of humor. Verdict? Exceeded expectations, therefore epically awesome!" It's like buying a Corvette and complaining that you can't fit any groceries in the trunk and there's no place for a carseat.
  12. Aw nuts! And this was just too cute so I had to include it:
  13. How's this coming along? I'd love to see it. I <3 Kerrigan.
  14. This sounds like the best thing since KFC's double down!
  15. MstrBeau posted the Daily Show link on his Facebook page. Here was my response: I had a bunch of coworkers talking about how men wearing high heels can be a really confusing environment to raise kids in. I asked if they thought our founding fathers, Ben Franklin, John Adams, George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, et. ...al. were good fathers who instilled good values to their children. They all agreed that they thought so. Then I mentioned that heeled shoes were actually invented by men, for men, which my coworkers would not believe and insisted that any man who wore heels was just wrong. Then I Googled a picture of the signing of the Declaration of Independence and pointed out that not only were all the men wearing heels, but they were wearing tights and wigs, and many of them were wearing corsets (girdles) as well. I would say I think our country turned out well, but not based on the newscasts Stewart is making fun of. By the way, I wore a skirt to my wedding. Which, skirts were invented by men, for men, and 60% of the men in the world wear skirts as a matter of course. As for boys and the color pink, here's what Wikipedia has to say: "In Western culture, the practice of assigning pink to an individual gender began in the 1920s or earlier. From then until the 1940s, pink was considered appropriate for boys because being related to red it was the more masculine and decided color, while blue was considered appropriate for girls because it was the more delicate and dainty color, or related to the Virgin Mary. Since the 1940s, the societal norm was inverted; pink became considered appropriate for girls and blue appropriate for boys, a practice that has continued into the 21st century."
  16. And by *pets*, I mean I want you to be one of my pets.
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