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Everything posted by n0Mad

  1. A) That was a fucking sweet promo! Awesome video, very inspiring. 2) There wasn't any fire at all until 1:04 into the video, and then it was brief. It didn't get serious fire until almost 2:00 in. A group called "Detroit FIRE Guild", I thought it would be a bit more fire focused, no? Finally) Even without the fire, it's still awesome what the performers are doing and capable of.
  2. I saw the picture first and thought, "That is so Meg!" Then I scrolled down and saw your comment. lol
  3. Maybe if I find a way to stand in the wall between the two auditoriums and I have one eye on each screen, it'll be in 3D.
  4. So when are you coming to America so you can live in a box under my bed? You know I'm married now, so I'll have to share you with my wife.
  5. Black Swan. The Main Art in Royal Oak is showing it starting this Friday.
  6. I thought about the part of the article where the author was discussing how all the anti-Twilight rants sound the same, "Vampires don't sparkle," and that falls into anti-conformity. However, Brahm Stoker pretty much set down the popular vampire mythos, and even outside of him, pretty much all the other mythos don't have sparkly vampires. So to not sparkle is conformity. Making a vampire sparkle just because she saw it in her dream and not really having a reason for it, is being different for the sake of being different and that would be anti-conformity. So, the argument that vampires don't sparkle is not anti-conformity, but rather conformity (anti-anti-comformity?). We want our vampires to conform to the mythos and they don't sparkle!
  7. Gaming books: That's the lot of them. I took a close up of each unit: The stuff stacked on the bottom right shelf are all the ones I'm getting rid of.
  8. Yes, but I can be an elitist snob and picky about who I play with. Depending on how it looks in the new year, I may have an opening for up to two more players. Depends on if an old player can make it back.
  9. I'm starting a Vampire: The Masquerade game in the new year, and hopefully getting my D&D 3.5 game back on track then too.
  10. "I want to be different, just like you." -The Alternative Credo That article made a lot of sense and included thoughts I've had since high school, I just couldn't articulate them quite as well as the author. My favorite bit was: Kinda reminds me of the Tea Party. That's why I hate all those discussion of what is and isn't goth. I know I'm not goth and I'm not trying to be goth. There are gothic elements in my life, but I just like what I like and don't what I don't. And it's why I love DGN get togethers like sushi night. We all have DGN in common and yeah, a few people show up wearing black, thick eyeliner, piercings and such but that is who they are. The rest of us also show up as who we are, some in suits, some in khakis and sweaters, some in rainbow socks ... We're all pretty much nonconformists, and that's cool. But yeah, anti-conformity is more annoying that conformity because in the former, you're actually making a conscious decision to be a loser whereas in the latter, you're just a loser.
  11. n0Mad

    A "Goth's" house

    TWB: "If you could see the sausage in our drawers." Spook: "Andouille!" ("Andouille" is properly pronounced, "ahn-DWEE"; however, I said it, "And do we!")
  12. n0Mad

    A "Goth's" house

    No, just on our phones. Reminds me of the quote from Clue: The Movie
  13. You could always just kill somebody, then us taxpayers will pay for your room and board. Downside is, depending on how sadistic you get, they may send you to Standish, then you're up north in podunk BFE just like you didn't want to go.
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