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Everything posted by n0Mad

  1. That's becoming a very grey area these days. For example, there are some Hondas that are designed in America by American engineers, and built in America by American workers. Yet since it's a Honda, is that a foreign car? There are some Fords that are designed in Japan, by Japanese engineers, and built in Japan by Japanese workers. But since it's a Ford, is that an American car?
  2. Rarely do I have time anymore for even a 3 minute clip. But this ... I had to watch the whole thing. All parts. Why doesn't DGN own a 9 story building?
  3. Did anybody actually read the article or just look at the pretty pictures?
  4. "Hi, new person here. Call me Vass if you like. I'm interested in exploring the scene and exposing myself to new people (consensually of course). Will start by invading this site, hope to see you around. ~ Vassagon" who? (That's the longest setup I've ever heard. The punchline better be good.)
  5. It's not what is wrong with you, but what's wrong with them.
  6. On the other hand, in Europe, if you travel 50 miles or so in any direction, you're in another country with a completely different language so multilinguism is a necessity. In the US, if you travel 50 miles in any direction, you might be in a different state but you're still in the same country. You have to go pretty far to get to another country and Canada still speaks English. So we really don't need multilinguism here.
  7. After watching the above trailer, I realized they used Crablouse by the Lords of Acid. That song seems to pop up often in trailers. I think they also used it for Land Before Time 4 which I found hilarious. I think the people who make trailers use that song as a sort of in-joke because not many people know what it is let alone know what it's about.
  8. Sucker Punch looks pretty sweet. It stars Emily Browning (Lemony Snickets) and I've loved her since Ghost Ship. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VR5RaZupoO4
  9. Yay! Troy is our hero. Now, if just a few more people upped their status to Benefactor, or even Supporter, this problems would be fewer and farther between.
  10. DGN broke because too many people wanted to log on to wish you a Happy Birthday!
  11. Cut wise, I liked it how it was at Manfast. Color wise, do I even have to say?
  12. Cool. I just got an external HD so I could clean up a bunch of stuff off my laptop to make room for SCII. I did some system scans yesterday and am defragging tonight so I can install and start playing by this weekend!
  13. Although that "girl quits by dry erase board" hoax ... I saw her modeling pictures and I think she's a tad hotter with her glasses.
  14. Sweet. If you're not into PVP, does the campaign mode offer enough enjoyment for replay? Are there enough maps and options for player vs. computer (PVC? Mmm ... vinyl. lol) to keep one busy for a long time? Or is it all about the Battlenet and I've gotta learn to like it?
  15. I took three years of Spanish in high school but can only remember the very basics from the first few months. I tried teaching myself Irish Gaelic but I couldn't get past the pronunciation. I want to learn Japanese and started teaching myself, but then I got busy with other stuff and haven't gotten back to it. I really should take some classes at the community college or something. I hear the best time to learn another language is when you're younger than 8. Any older than that and it becomes more difficult. Once you hit your early 20s, it becomes very difficult.
  16. I'm going to be doing some more video editing. Nothing fancy, just putting some of my performance stuff on YouTube and what not. Video takes up a buttload of space so I'm looking for an external hard drive to put it all on. Plus, I need to free up more room on my internal HD so I can install Starcraft II on my laptop.
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