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Everything posted by n0Mad

  1. The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus. And now I'm even more in love with Lily Cole than I was when she was simply a Rimmel model.
  2. You're living with a happy couple? No wonder why they're happy. Lucky them.
  3. I was playing Mirror's Edge recently, but I beat it a couple weeks ago and now I need something else to occupy my time.
  4. I've already got Calix lined up as the getaway driver.
  5. You create the distraction, I run off with her.
  6. It's never needed. That's why it's a treat. Mmm ... boobies.
  7. The mechanics fit better, but not the meta-plot. It was designed as a limited edition game where each supplement not only furthered the meta-plot, but introduced new rules and abilities to help out your characters. It's sort of a core system + supplemental rules + setting material + adventure plot line + etc. all rolled into one. Interesting concept, but outside of the meta-plot it just seemed so limited. That's why I always liked D&D (well, up through 3.5 anyway, 4 can suck it). The core rules are just that, core rules. That's all you need and you can play anything. If you need more, then you can by supplements, settings, adventures, etc. But you don't need it. White Wolf tried to combine it all into one package and sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. Back on topic, I think sorcerers are going to be the next vampire. Just look at the new movies coming out like "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" and "The Last Airbender". I think Harry Potter showed how successful a magician protagonist could be and everyone is now trying to capitalize on that.
  8. In White Wolf's game Orpheus, there is a type of spectre called the chupacabra. I loved reading all the Orpheus books but I never had a chance to play the game at all. Interesting concept, definitely, but I don't think I could ever get into it as much as I did Wraith.
  9. "Love*" finds you all the time. But when you say, "AH! You lie!" and run away, then of course nothing will happen. *"Love" may not necessarily mean actual love and may instead refer to lust, intrigue, obsession, psycho stalkers, twitterpation, et. al.
  10. For posting pictures of you? I'll kill you if you stop. I think the last two are my favorite, though it's so hard to decide. They're all nice. No! More!
  11. You mean Phee, Gaf, Rev, Tits McGee, ... j/k, you know I love you all. ... Spook, Taysteewonderbunny, DJ Nocker ... We can all be pretty stubborn at times.
  12. No. Not that I'm opposed to soccer (futbol) or anything but I don't watch much TV to begin with and almost never watch sports. Just not my thing. But, Go USA!
  13. Thinking about this concept, if you start the chain with a civet, then it's really not that bad.
  14. I don't know if that's brilliant or ludicrous.
  15. These kids? Or do you mean these? 'Cuz they're the ones we really kicked off. Sad little things. Now get back to the barn so mommy and I can play.
  16. When I saw the topic title I got all excited. I thought that maybe you had found the secret to getting everyone to use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Now that would be readability.
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