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Everything posted by n0Mad

  1. In that last picture, she looks like an inflate-a-mate.
  2. You can join my fiance and I for a cuddle sandwich.
  3. Can't embed the video so you'll have to click the link: http://www.colbertnation.com/the-colbert-report-videos/308061/april-26-2010/indecision-2010-midterm-elections---sue-lowden
  4. I confess that I am now thinking of an Eevee/FarrIL sandwich.
  5. I love drinking tea even when I'm not sick. I prefer it to coffee.
  6. Nobody needs a high capacity magazine for their gun, 10 is just fine, and full auto is just ridiculous. Sorry, wrong thread. Nobody needs a V8 engine for their car, 4 cylinders is just fine, and excessive horsepower and torque is just ridiculous.
  7. If he doesn't start you off with two sticks, a pad, and the basic rudiments, then imo he's a bad teacher.
  8. I'm up past my bedtime.
  9. Must've used a Lambda Class Imperial Shuttle with stolen shield codes.
  10. Wait a minute ... Chicago already has some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation and handguns are even banned outright. So how can the city have any gun violence at all? I call foul.
  11. I just got seven brand new throwing knives so I can start practicing again. It's been too long. When one is stuck nicely in the target and another one hits it, metal colliding with metal can cause some unfortunate damage. Four of my knives ended up okay with a few minor nicks that filed out nicely. The other three though ... Mike is almost correct. The top one has a bent tip that I straightened out with a vice. The middle one does have a huge nick near the tip. The bottom one though, that is also the "cutting edge". Being throwing knives, they don't have sharp edges at all. They're still pretty thick only tapering at the point, though that is still not sharp enough to cut. Which, I know that throwing knives are going to get nicked and bent through use but those first ones are always "painful". My little babies. As I get better, those occurrences will get less and less. Then I can buy a brand new set (my wallet cringes) to perform with.
  12. I don't always close the matchbook before lighting a match.
  13. I have occasionally used cheat codes in video games.
  14. Ooh, that picture reminds me ... She hasn't been on DGN in about three years but our own Hellequin has some great pics:
  15. A friend of mine rewrote the lyrics to U2's "Desire" to "Defiler". I can't remember any of the lyrics though, but they were hilarious.
  16. Ugh, I hate defilers. Hate, hate, hate, hate, hate! They're the only thing that can take out my fleet of battle cruisers. Psi storm would, but I can see them coming and stop it. But not the damn defilers and their burrowing. Grr ...
  17. Yes. Existing cigar bars are allowed to exist but no new cigar bars will be licensed.
  18. Because they're all at the anime conventions. Only problem is, they're all like 12-15.
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