Rather than put up a poll, I'll just ask a few questions and have you answer it in text to be more open ended and detailed.
Who here plays D&D?
What version(s) do you play and why?
What version(s) do you refuse to play and why?
What style(s) of game do you like best (hack & slash, Monty Hall, intrigue, romantic, adventure, exploration, political, etc.) and why?
What style(s) aren't you too fond of and why?
Are you more into story and character development or rules lawyering, min-maxing, etc. or a bit of everything, and how do you slide on the scale?
Group cohesiveness working together, constant infighting, or something in between?
It's all about the game and distractions should be kept to a minimum? It's all about the socialization and hanging out with friends and the game is secondary? A bit of both?
What races and classes do you prefer and why?
Anything else I forgot to ask that you'd like to share.
I'm trying to introduce the game to a few newbies and I'd like some different perspectives so I don't influence anything with my bias. Thanks for your input.